This tool allows you to create a Visio dependency diagram from a particular Series/Model in Experlogix. It draws:
- Lists
- Lookup tables
- Categories (with attributes)
- Formulas
- Rules
The tool does not resolve dependencies to Options (e.g. salesnumbers in the premise or conclusion of a Rule) or dynamic properties in formulas (e.g. [.Quantity]
This tool is inspired by the "metadatadiagram" tool of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK.
Locate the Experlogix database (it's a *.mdb file) Make sure the Experlogix database is not in use. It is in use when there is a *.ldb file located next to it. Make sure you've closed the Experlogix configuration application.
The latest build of the application can be found under downloads. You can also build the application from source (either clone or download as zip/tar.gz).
You can either:
Copy the database file to the application folder and rename it to "Experlogix.mdb".
Edit the Broes.Experlogix.VisioDiagram.exe.config file to point to the correct location of the Experlogix MDB file:
<add name="Broes.Experlogix.DAL.Properties.Settings.ExperlogixConnectionString"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="Experlogix.mdb""
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />
It's the bit after the Data Source=
between the two "
's. Make sure you keep the two "
To run the application, open the Broes.Experlogix.VisioDiagram.exe file.
If the application is configured correct, it will ask you to choose a Series:
[1] Series 1
[2] Series 2
[3] Series 3
Choose the series [1 - 3]:
Enter a number and press Enter.
It will ask you to choose a Model:
[1] Model 1
[2] Model 2
Choose the model [1 - 2]:
Enter a number and press Enter
The application will now draw the dependency diagram and will give feedback on its progress:
Drawing 38 categories...
Drawing 29 rules...
Drawing 12 lists...
Drawing 3 lookup tables...
Drawing 67 formulas...
Drawing 341 relations...
* Unable to draw from FOR_RetrieveClientSizeDiscoun to CAT_MPC
* Unable to draw from FOR_RetrieveAreaDiscount to CAT_MPC
Laying out the page...
Resizing to fit to contents...
Press enter to exit...
Error messages are a convenient way to find errors in the dependency graph. This tool does a (limited) static analysis of the dependencies within a model.
If the tool ran successfully, you will see a Visio document with the generated dependency diagram:
- Experlogix database (*.mdb) (tested on Experlogix database version 6.5.K, see table "Version" in database)
- .NET Framework 4.5
- Microsoft Visio (2007 and 2010 tested)
- In case you did not install Visual Studio and/or its Microsoft Office Developer Tools, you'll need to install the Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies. Depending on your Office version, pick one of the following:
Thijs Kuipers
Copyright (c) 2012 Thijs Kuipers
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit