The repository contains code that demonstrate how cypress can be used to do UI Testing.
The application used for testing (
The framework demonstrate following use cases
-[ ] Page Object Usage
-[ ] Using fixure to read the data
-[ ] Dynamic tests based on the input data or excute same test with diffrent data set
-[ ] Allure Report Integration
-[ ] How Parallization can be achieved without using Cypress Dashboard
-[ ][Create] Folder on your local machine
-[ ] Clone Repository using below command
-[ ] git clone
-[ ]Please ensure that you have node version 12 or higher is installed.
-[ ]Open the project using VS Code and Open Terminal
-[ ]Perform npm install so that all the required dependencies required for cypress are available
-[ ] In order to run the tests using cypress runner execute command "npx cypress open" and select the spec file that needs to run.
-[ ]In order to execute all the tests in headless mode execute the command "npm run test"
-[ ]In order to run test with allure use command [npx cypress run --env allure=true]
-[ ]To Generate Allure Report use command: allure generate --clean
The test execution can be done in github with Github actions. Report URL: