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the-maux edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 1 revision

How to start chartboard

First thing that you need to do after a successful installation is to create an
empty config that will provide a base for your customizations Dashboard
You can create exemple dashboard with

   shell>$ python src/ runserver [<host>] [<port>]

where host and port parameters are optional (by default these are and 8080)

You can now point your web browser to http://localhost:8080

The config(s) file(s) path can be define in two way:
  • [chartboard dir]/src/chartboard/app/Config/
  • by variable environment TIPBOARD_DIRECTORY

⚠️ Flipboard dashboard mode:

If 2 files are present in the directory, auto flip will be on
If there is only one file in the directory the dashboard flip mode will be off

by default there is 2 dashboard config file defines in [TIPBOARD_DIRECTORY] variable:
  • src/chartboard/app/Config/dev_layout
  • src/chartboard/app/Config/layout_config

There are many exemples of dashboard config in github repository

Dashboard config exemple

Dashboard config file respect yaml syntax with two section:

  • details (relative to dashboard, ex: title or color_mode)
  • layout (definition of all tiles present in dashboard)
    page_title: One tile dashboard
    color_mode: black
    - row:
        - col:
            - tile_template: line_chart
              tile_id: line_chartjs_ex
              title: line tile's

Adding [color_mode: white] in details header of config file

  • change: text color, gridlines color, background, etc
    page_title: white dashboard
    color_mode: white
    - row:
        - col:
            - tile_template: polararea_chart
              tile_id: polararea_ex
              title: polar-area

Adding [flip-time-(+d)] in col active flipmode tile effect, number is in second

    page_title: flip dashboard
    color_mode: black
    - row:
        - col flip-time-2:
        - tile_template: big_value
          tile_id: bv_ex
          title: Big value

        - tile_template: polararea_chart
          tile_id: polararea_ex
          title: polar-area

        - tile_template: pie_chart
          tile_id: pie_chartjs_ex
          title: pie chart

    - col flip-time-5:
        - tile_template: cumulative_flow
          tile_id: cfjs_ex
          title: cumulflow

        - tile_template: half_doughnut_chart
          tile_id: half_doughnut_ex
          title: half_doughnut

Adding [weight-(+d)] in col (or row) add width or height for card

  page_title: Chartboard exemple
  color_mode: black
    - row weight-3:
    - col:
        - tile_template: half_doughnut_chart
          tile_id: half_doughnut_ex42
          title: doughnut

    - col flip-time-2 weight-3:
        - tile_template: cumulative_flow
          tile_id: cfjs_ex
          title: cumulflow

        - tile_template: line_chart
          tile_id: line_chartjs_ex
          title: line tile's

    - col:
        - tile_template: norm_chart
          tile_id: normjs_ex
          title: norm tile's

        - tile_template: polararea_chart
          tile_id: polararea_ex
          title: polar-area

    - col flip-time-2:
        - tile_template: bar_chart
          tile_id: barjs_ex
          title: bar tile's

        - tile_template: radar_chart
          tile_id: radar_ex
          title: radar chart

- row weight-2:
    - col:
        - tile_template: just_value
          tile_id: jv_ex
          title: Just value 1

    - col:
        - tile_template: just_value
          tile_id: jv_ex2
          title: Just value 2

    - col:
        - tile_template: just_value
          tile_id: jv_ex3
          title: Just value 3

    - col flip-time-2:
        - tile_template: simple_percentage
          tile_id: sp_ex
          title: Percentage

        - tile_template: listing
          tile_id: list_ex
          title: Listing