A Swift wrapper for libsoundio, a cross-platform real-time audio input and output library.
- libsoundio
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/thara/SoundIO.git", from: "0.3.2"),
The following emits a sine wave over the default device using the best backend.
It means as same as libsoundio's synopsis.
import Foundation
import SoundIO
var secondsOffset: Float = 0.0
func main() throws {
let soundio = try SoundIO()
try soundio.connect()
let outputDeviceIndex = try soundio.defaultOutputDeviceIndex()
let device = try soundio.getOutputDevice(at: outputDeviceIndex)
print("Output device: \(device.name)")
let outstream = try OutStream(to: device)
outstream.format = .float32bitLittleEndian
outstream.writeCallback { (outstream, frameCountMin, frameCountMax) in
let layout = outstream.layout
let secondsPerFrame = 1.0 / Float(outstream.sampleRate)
var framesLeft = frameCountMax
while 0 < framesLeft {
var frameCount = framesLeft
let areas = try! outstream.beginWriting(theNumberOf: &frameCount)
if frameCount == 0 {
let pitch: Float = 440.0
let radiansPerSecond = pitch * 2.0 * .pi
for frame in 0..<frameCount {
let sample = sin((secondsOffset + Float(frame) * secondsPerFrame) * radiansPerSecond)
for area in areas!.iterate(over: layout.channelCount) {
area.write(sample, stepBy: frame)
secondsOffset = (secondsOffset + secondsPerFrame * Float(frameCount)).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)
try! outstream.endWrite()
framesLeft -= frameCountMax
try outstream.open()
try outstream.start()
while true {
do {
try main()
} catch let error as SoundIOError {
print("Error: \(error)")
This code is located in Sources/SoundIODemo/main.swift
You can run it by using make demo
You haven't need to call any **_destroy
functions because the wrapper calls each of **_destroy
functions in deinit
and destroyed out of scopes properly.
- Add documentation
- Support error callbacks in
- Add examples
- Test other platforms except macOS
Tomochika Hara - thara
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- libsoundio
- rsoundio
- This has gaven me an idea to keep callback functions in stream's userdata.