Flask API to return random programming meme images scrapped from Memedroid.
Just add img
tag in your website / README file and it will display a random meme everytime the website is loaded
<img src='URL' title="Meme" alt="Please refresh the page if the meme doesn't show up.">
Deprecation Note: The previous Heroku app link has stopped working due to Heroku discontinuing its free tier services. Deploy your own instance of the app using the links below and use them.
Use Railway (500 hours)
Note No delay
Sign in with GitHub to Deploy
URL will produce after finish building
Use Replit (unlimited hours)
Warning response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity
Click Import from GitHub Button
pip install gunicorn==20.0.4
andpip install lxml
in console on the right -
Add line
app.run(host='', port=80)
at the end of 'app.py' file -
Click the
$\color{white} \colorbox{Green} {RUN}$ button on top, the console will run, wait to finish and output URL on the right under "Webview"
Use Render (750 hours)
Warning response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity
Sign in https://dashboard.render.com/select-repo?type=static
Enter in Public Git repository https://github.com/techytushar/random-memer and click 'continue'
Enter a name and add
gunicorn app:app
in Start Command option -
Click 'Create Web Service' and wait until "==> Build successful 🎉" and server is Live
Click URL link at top left (https://appname-xxxx.onrender.com)