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Capacitor Voice Recorder


Capacitor plugin for simple voice recording


Maintainer GitHub
Avihu Harush tchvu3


npm install --save capacitor-voice-recorder
npx cap sync


Using with Android

Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

Using with iOS

Add the following to your Info.plist:

<string>This app uses the microphone to record audio.</string>

Supported methods

Name Android iOS Web


The capacitor-voice-recorder plugin allows you to record audio on Android, iOS, and Web platforms. Below is a summary of the key methods and how to use them.

Checking Device Capabilities and Permissions


Check if the device/browser can record audio.

VoiceRecorder.canDeviceVoiceRecord().then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value));
Return Value Description
{ value: true } The device/browser can record audio.
{ value: false } The browser cannot record audio. Note: On mobile, it always returns { value: true }.


Request audio recording permission from the user.

VoiceRecorder.requestAudioRecordingPermission().then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value));
Return Value Description
{ value: true } Permission granted.
{ value: false } Permission denied.


Check if the audio recording permission has been granted.

VoiceRecorder.hasAudioRecordingPermission().then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value));
Return Value Description
{ value: true } Permission granted.
{ value: false } Permission denied.
Error Code Description
COULD_NOT_QUERY_PERMISSION_STATUS Failed to query permission status.

Managing Recording


Start the audio recording.

Optional options can be used with this method to save the file in the device's filesystem and return a uri to that file instead of a base64 string. This greatly increases performance for large files.

VoiceRecorder.startRecording(options?: RecordingOptions)
    .then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
Option Description
directory Specifies a Capacitor Filesystem Directory
subDirectory Specifies a custom sub-directory (optional)
Return Value Description
{ value: true } Recording started successfully.
Error Code Description
MISSING_PERMISSION Required permission is missing.
DEVICE_CANNOT_VOICE_RECORD Device/browser cannot record audio.
ALREADY_RECORDING A recording is already in progress.
MICROPHONE_BEING_USED Microphone is being used by another app.
FAILED_TO_RECORD Unknown error occurred during recording.


Stops the audio recording and returns the recording data.

When a directory option has been passed to the VoiceRecorder.startRecording method the data will include a uri instead of a recordDataBase64

    .then((result: RecordingData) => console.log(result.value))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
Return Value Description
recordDataBase64 The recorded audio data in Base64 format.
msDuration The duration of the recording in milliseconds.
mimeType The MIME type of the recorded audio.
uri The URI to the audio file
Error Code Description
RECORDING_HAS_NOT_STARTED No recording in progress.
EMPTY_RECORDING Recording stopped immediately after starting.
FAILED_TO_FETCH_RECORDING Unknown error occurred while fetching the recording.


Pause the ongoing audio recording.

    .then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
Return Value Description
{ value: true } Recording paused successfully.
{ value: false } Recording is already paused.
Error Code Description
RECORDING_HAS_NOT_STARTED No recording in progress.
NOT_SUPPORTED_OS_VERSION Operation not supported on the current OS version.


Resumes a paused audio recording.

    .then((result: GenericResponse) => console.log(result.value))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
Return Value Description
{ value: true } Recording resumed successfully.
{ value: false } Recording is already running.
Error Code Description
RECORDING_HAS_NOT_STARTED No recording in progress.
NOT_SUPPORTED_OS_VERSION Operation not supported on the current OS version.


Retrieves the current status of the recorder.

    .then((result: CurrentRecordingStatus) => console.log(result.status))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
Status Code Description
NONE Plugin is idle and waiting to start a new recording.
RECORDING Plugin is currently recording.
PAUSED Recording is paused.

Format and Mime type

The plugin will return the recording in one of several possible formats. The format is dependent on the os / web browser that the user uses. On android and ios the mime type will be audio/aac, while on chrome and firefox it will be audio/webm;codecs=opus and on safari it will be audio/mp4. Note that these three browsers have been tested on. The plugin should still work on other browsers, as there is a list of mime types that the plugin checks against the user's browser.

Note that this fact might cause unexpected behavior in case you'll try to play recordings between several devices or browsers—as they do not all support the same set of audio formats. It is recommended to convert the recordings to a format that all your target devices support. As this plugin focuses on the recording aspect, it does not provide any conversion between formats.


To play the recorded file, you can use plain JavaScript:

const base64Sound = '...' // from plugin
const mimeType = '...'  // from plugin
const audioRef = new Audio(`data:${mimeType};base64,${base64Sound}`)
audioRef.oncanplaythrough = () =>


Versioning follows Capacitor versioning. Major versions of the plugin are compatible with major versions of Capacitor. You can find each version in its own dedicated branch.

Plugin Version Capacitor Version
5.* 5
6.* 6
7.* 7


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"Buy Me A Coffee"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Thanks to independo-gmbh for the readme update.