is a Python tool that converts Microsoft Defender Antivirus Signatures (VDM) into YARA rules. This tool facilitates the creation of custom YARA rules from the latest signature databases or manually provided .vdm files from Microsoft Defender, allowing for enhanced malware detection,analysis and threat hunting.
This project focuses solely on antivirus signatures and does NOT address EDR signatures or detection logic.
- Convert Microsoft Defender Antivirus Signatures (VDM) to YARA rules.
- Supports strings and hex bytes pattern matching with regex-like expression
- Supports to convert scoring rules into YARA conditions
- Download the latest signature database.
- Export YARA rules into a single file or files per malware family.
- Add file-header checks to the rules to optimize the scan with the generated YARA rules.
- Manually specify the paths for base and delta VDM files.
Users can find the generated rules by defender2yara
in the yara-rules branch.
This branch updates the rules every 30 minutes.
Users can install defender2yara
using pip
or Poetry
Ensure the user has Python 3.10 or later installed on the system. Users can install the tool using pip
pip install defender2yara
- Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
- Move to the cloned directory:
cd defender2yara
- Install the dependencies using
poetry install
The following options are available for using defender2yara
usage: defender2yara [options]
Convert Microsoft Defender Antivirus Signatures(VDM) to YARA rules.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show defender2yara version
-l, --latest_signature_version
show latest signature version
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output directory for YARA rules [default: ./rules]
-d, --download only download the latest signature database
-c CACHE, --cache CACHE
directory to save signature database(vdm/dll files) [default: ./cache]
-s, --single_file export YARA rules into a single file
--header_check add file header check to generated YARA rules
--full_engine FULL_ENGINE, --fe FULL_ENGINE
manually specify the path of mpam-fe.exe
--base BASE manually specify the path of mpa{v|s}base.vdm
--delta DELTA manually specify the path of mpa{v|s}dlta.vdm
--proxy PROXY use a proxy to download signatures (e.g. http://localhost:8000)
--debug print detailed logs
--suppress suppress all logs
To download the latest signature database and convert it to YARA rules, use the following command:
generates the following files:
- ./rules/[signature_version]/[platform]/[malware_type]/[family_name].yara
If the user wants to change the directory from .rules, they can use the --output
or -o
option to specify the directory.
To download the latest signature database, use the following command:
defender2yara -d
downloads the latest signatures into the following directory:
- ./cache/vdm/[major_version]/0.0/mpa{s,v}base.vdm
- ./cache/vdm/[major_version]/[minor_version]/mpa{s,v}dlta.vdm
- ./cache/engine/[engine_version]/mpengine.dll
If the user wants to change the directory from .cache, they can use the --cache
or -c
option to specify their directory.
To export the YARA rules into a single file, use the --single_file
defender2yara --single_file
generates the following two files:
- ./rules/[signature_version]/anti-virus.yara
- ./rules/[signature_version]/anti-spyware.yara
To add file header checks to the generated YARA rules, use the --header_check
defender2yara --header_check
Currently, the --header_check
option adds the following header checks to YARA rules that aim to detect the following files:
- PE File
- MACH-O File
- ELF File
If the user wants to manually specify the paths of the mpam-fe.exe, use the --fe
or --full_engine
defender2yara --fe /path/to/mpam-fe.exe
If the user wants to manually specify the paths of the base and delta VDM files, use the --base
and --delta
defender2yara --base /path/to/mpavbase.vdm --delta /path/to/mpavdlta.vdm
If the user needs to use a proxy to download the signatures, specify the proxy URL using the --proxy
defender2yara --proxy http://localhost:8000
Use the --debug
option to show detailed logs. Use the --suppress
option to suppress all logs.
defender2yara --debug
defender2yara --suppress
- Some regex-like pattern matching in Microsoft Defender cannot be fully converted due to:
- Limitations of the YARA engine
- Undocumented or unknown implementations within
- Several advanced features of Microsoft Defender are not supported, such as:
- Emulator engines
- Logic implemented in Lua
- Unpacker modules
- And other proprietary technologies
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes or improvements.
For any questions or issues, please open an issue on this GitHub repository.
This project would not have been possible without the valuable resources and insights provided by the following:
GitHub - commial/experiments and Windows Defender: Demystifying and Bypassing ASR by Understanding the AVS Signatures: A special thanks to the author of the commial/experiments repository on GitHub and the insightful paper Windows Defender: Demystifying and Bypassing ASR by Understanding the AVS Signatures, presented at Black Hat Europe 2021. His work and research have significantly aided our understanding of various aspects of antivirus signatures and provided deep insights into the workings of Windows Defender signatures.
GitHub—taviso/loadlibrary: A special thanks to Tavis Ormandy's repository [loadlibrary] ( on GitHub. This repository provided great insights into Microsoft Defender and was an entry point for reversing
. -
Retooling Blog: We also appreciate the author of the Retooling blog for their detailed article An Unexpected Journey into Microsoft Defender's Signature World. Their exploration and documentation of Microsoft Defender's signature mechanisms have been invaluable to this project.
Threat Name Definitions: We acknowledge Microsoft for their detailed Threat Name Definitions. This documentation has been essential in understanding the malware naming conventions used by Microsoft Defender.
Thank you to all these sources for contributing to the field and sharing their knowledge with the community.