tilemaker creates vector tiles (in Mapbox Vector Tile format) from an .osm.pbf planet extract, as typically downloaded from providers like Geofabrik. It aims to be 'stack-free': you need no database and there is only one executable to install.
Vector tiles are used by many in-browser/app renderers, and can also power server-side raster rendering. They enable on-the-fly style changes and greater interactivity, while imposing less of a storage burden. tilemaker can output them to individual files, or to .mbtiles or .pmtiles tile containers.
See an example of a vector tile map produced by tilemaker at tilemaker.org.
We provide a ready-to-use docker image that gets you started without having to compile tilemaker from source:
- Go to Geofabrik and download the
snapshot of OpenStreetMap - Run tilemaker on the OpenStreetMap snapshot to generate Protomaps vector tiles (see below)
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data ghcr.io/systemed/tilemaker:master /data/monaco-latest.osm.pbf --output /data/monaco-latest.pmtiles
- Check out what's in the vector tiles e.g. by using the debug viewer here
To run tilemaker with its default configuration
docker run -it --rm --pull always -v $(pwd):/data \
ghcr.io/systemed/tilemaker:master \
/data/monaco-latest.osm.pbf \
--output /data/monaco-latest.pmtiles
To run tilemaker with a custom configuration using coastlines and landcover you have two options
- In the config.json use absolute paths such as
or - Set the docker workdir
-w /data
with relative pathscoastline/water_polygons.shp
(see below)
docker run -it --rm --pull always -v $(pwd):/data -w /data \
ghcr.io/systemed/tilemaker:master \
/data/monaco-latest.osm.pbf \
--output /data/monaco-latest.pmtiles \
--config /data/config-coastline.json \
--process /data/process-coastline.lua
tilemaker is written in C++14. The chief dependencies are:
- Boost (latest version advised, 1.66 minimum)
- Lua (5.1 or later) or LuaJIT
- sqlite3
- shapelib
- rapidjson
Other third-party code is bundled in the include/ directory.
You can then simply install with:
sudo make install
For detailed installation instructions for your operating system, see INSTALL.md.
tilemaker comes with configuration files compatible with the popular OpenMapTiles schema, and a demonstration map server. You'll run tilemaker to make vector tiles from your .osm.pbf
source data. To create the tiles, run this from the tilemaker directory:
tilemaker /path/to/your/input.osm.pbf /path/to/your/output.mbtiles
tilemaker keeps everything in RAM by default. To process large areas without running out of memory, tell it to use temporary storage on SSD:
tilemaker /path/to/your/input.osm.pbf /path/to/your/output.mbtiles --store /path/to/your/ssd
Then, to serve your tiles using the demonstration server:
cd server
tilemaker-server /path/to/your/output.mbtiles
You can now navigate to http://localhost:8080/ and see your map!
To include sea tiles and small-scale landcover, run
This will download coastline and landcover data; you will need around 2GB disk space.
Have a look at the coastline and landcover example in the resources/
Vector tiles contain (generally thematic) 'layers'. For example, your tiles might contain river, cycleway and railway layers. It's up to you what OSM data goes into each layer. You configure this in tilemaker with two files:
- a JSON file listing each layer, and the zoom levels at which to apply it
- a Lua program that looks at each node/way's tags, and places it into layers accordingly
You can read more about these in CONFIGURATION.md.
The JSON configuration and Lua processing files are specified with --config
and --process
respectively. Defaults are config.json and process.lua in the current directory. If there is no config.json and process.lua in the current directory, and you do not specify --config
and --process
, an error will result.
Read about tilemaker's runtime options in RUNNING.md.
You might also find these resources helpful:
- Read our introduction to vector tiles.
- See https://github.com/mapbox/awesome-vector-tiles for a list of renderers which support vector tiles.
You might use tilemaker if:
- You want to create vector tiles yourself, without a third-party contract
- You don't want to host/maintain a database
- You want a flexible system capable of advanced OSM tag processing
- You want to create ready-to-go tiles for offline use
But don't use tilemaker if:
- You want someone else to create and host the tiles for you
- You want continuous updates with the latest OSM data
Bug reports, suggestions and (especially!) pull requests are very welcome on the Github issue tracker. Please check the tracker to see if your issue is already known, and be nice. For questions, please use IRC (irc.oftc.net or https://irc.osm.org, channel #osm-dev) and https://community.osm.org.
Formatting: braces and indents as shown, hard tabs (4sp). (Yes, I know.) Please be conservative about adding dependencies or increasing the memory requirement.
tilemaker is maintained by Richard Fairhurst and supported by many contributors. We particularly celebrate the invaluable contributions of Wouter van Kleunen, who passed away in 2022.
Copyright tilemaker contributors, 2015-2024.
The tilemaker code is licensed as FTWPL; you may do anything you like with this code and there is no warranty.
Licenses of third-party libraries:
- kaguya is licensed under the Boost Software Licence
- libdeflate is licensed under MIT
- libpopcnt is licensed under BSD 2-clause
- minunit is licensed under MIT
- pmtiles is licensed under BSD 3-clause
- polylabel is licensed under ISC
- protozero is licensed under BSD 2-clause
- Simple-Web-Server is licensed under MIT
- sqlite_modern_cpp is licensed under MIT
- streamvbyte is licensed under Apache 2
- visvalingam.cpp is licensed under MIT
- vtzero is licensed under BSD 2-clause