A self contained (Tornado) REST service for managing runfolders.
Try it out:
Install using pip:
pip install -r requirements/dev . # possible add -e if you're in development mode.
Open up the config/app.config
and specify the root directories that you want to monitor for runfolders. Then run:
runfolder-ws --port 9999 --configroot config/
This will star the runfolder service on port 9999, and the api dock will be available under localhost:9999/api
Try curl-ing to see what you can do with it:
curl localhost:9999/api
Running the tests After install you could run the integration tests to see if everything works as expected: ./runfolder_tests/run_integration_tests.py
This will by default start a local server, run the integration tests on it and then shut the server down.
Alternatively, you can run the same script against a remote server, specifying the URL and the runfolder directory: ./runfolder_tests/run_integration_tests.py http://testarteria1:10800/api/1.0 /data/testartera1/runfolders
Unit tests can be run with nosetests ./runfolder_tests/unit
Install in production One way to install this as a daemon in a production environment can be seen at https://github.com/arteria-project/arteria-provisioning