Boilerplate for Django projects
This boilerplate sets a standard Django project along with common components. These components are:
On the server, the project is configured by default to use:
You can quickly create a django project using this boilerplate with django-admin: startproject --template project_name
Oneliner to create a project and push it to your staging server (assumes you have cloned the repository and changed the domain in
mkvirtualenv -i django foo; startproject --template djung foo; cd foo; fab staging setup; fab staging deploy
Like most production-ready Django project, Djung has several settings files you can use. It currently ships with two different settings: one for local development and one for production. To use one or the other, set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment varible to the appropriate settings module:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings.local
Typing this command will get really old really fast if you have to do it each time you work on your project so it's recommended to add this line to ~/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/postactivate
Do not forget to set the SECRET_KEY as well in your environment variables. For your convienience, you can use the file config/envvars as your postactivate script or in your production setup.