CloneFinder is a duplicate file finder for Windows. Check the releases page to download a prebuilt MSI package.
64-bit Windows 8/2012R2 or later.
CloneFinder is MIT X11 licensed.
Command line Usage:
CloneFinder [-c] [-p] path
-c, --csv Display results as comma separated values (CSV).
-p, --progress Show progress indicator.
CloneFinder -c c:\temp
Searches for duplicates in c:\temp, and outputs results in CSV format.
GUI Notes:
The GUI app will retain window sizing on subsequent launches.
Select "Reset Default Sizes" from the "Tools" menu to reset sizes back to defaults.
Third party components
- Code from MSDN for a breadth-first directory traversal.
- Free or CC licensed artwork. (Icons (C) 2008 GoSquared Ltd.)
- Installer graphics from Open Clip Art (public domain):
- Amateur Astronomer
- Spyglass
2.2.0 - Targets .NET 8.0. Upgrade WiX. No new functionality.
2.1.1 - Disabled high DPI scaling (issue #2).
2.1.0 - Package updates. No new functionality.
2.0.1 - Maintenance release. No new functionality.
2.0.0 - Targets .NET 6.0. Single file deployment. No new functionality.
1.2.3 - Targets .NET 4.8. Replaced MD5 with SHA512.
1.2.2 - Fix for issue #1
1.2.1 - Upgrade code changed (GUID was accidentally duplicated from another project)
1.2.0 - Installer is now a WiX project. SQLite upgraded to v1.0.108
1.1.0 - Added command line interface
1.0.2 - Fixes for installer, and icon changes
1.0.1 - First usable public release
1.0.0 - Initial commit to github