Simple surface 2 channel RC transmitter. The hardware includes nRF24L01+ transceiver and ATmega328P processor with an OLED screen. The code is Arduino and contains only the necessary functions of modern transmitters, where only the steering and throttle channel is enough without unnecessary functions. Telemetry monitors receiver voltage and "fake" RSSI (the nRF24L01+ transceiver does not contain real RSSI and is only a rough measurement of lost packets).
This RC transmitter works with RC receiver from my repository RX_nRF24_Motor_Servo.
Thank you to the original authors "Gabapentin" Arduino-RC-6CH-Radio-control and "doohans" arduino_surface_TX_4ch for code inspiration.
- Two proportional channels 1000us - 2000us
- Adjustable left and right endpoints 0 - 100%
- Adjustable sub trims +-125us
- Adjustable exponential curves in steps 1 - 9
- Channel reverse
- Calibration of potentiometers
- Memory for ten models
- Five character model name
- RX voltage telemetry
A0 - joystick 1
A1 - joystick 2
D2 - button Up/Prev
D3 - button Down/Next
D4 - button Menu/Select
D5 - button Exit
A7 - input TX battery
A4 - SDA
A5 - SCL
D9 - CE
D10 - CSN
D11 - MOSI
D12 - MISO
D13 - SCK
- <RF24.h>
- <U8g2lib.h>
- <EEPROM.h> Arduino standard library
- <SPI.h> Arduino standard library