If you use Maven or Gradle, add the following configuration to your project's pom.xml
| build.gradle
Be sure to replace the VERSION key below with the one of the versions shown above
<!-- other dependencies are there -->
<!-- other dependencies are there -->
compile group: 'me.araopj', name: 'cscreen', version: 'VERSION'
step1: download jar file on this link.
download here: https://github.com/soybean15/CScreen/releases/latest
step2: Add jar file on your project.
step3: Import the library. import cscreen.components.*;
step4: Finally create your first console UI. Enjoy!
C-screen is A text-base UI library on java console, you can now easily design your console program using c-screen with the help of cscreen components.
Update as of August 4, 2022, 1:20pm
Since Box-window is not working on default on some OS, I added a method where you can choose between normal character and box-window character
//normal character
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
sample output
|Sample Screen |
//box-window character
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
sample output
│Sample Screen │
A frame-like interface where you can put multiple components.
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
/*the 3 parameters on the constructor are the following:
-width - width of screen
-height - height of screen
-hasBorder - add inner border if true
Sample output:
A rectangular component you can Put inside the Screen.
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Box;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
Box box = new Box(3, 3);
//place component inside the screen
//display screen
Sample output:
A box component with text inside
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.TextBox;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
TextBox textBox = new TextBox(3, 3);
textBox.setText("Sample text");
//place component inside the screen
//display screen
Sample output:
Text you can put inside the screen.
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Label;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
Label label = new Label(3, 3);
label.setText("Sample Label");
//place component inside the screen
//display screen
Sample output:
Button-like component which is good to have if you have multiple option in your code.
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Button;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.Screen;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen screen = new Screen(20, 40, true);
screen.addTitle("Sample Screen", Position.START);
Button button1 = new Button(3, 3);
//place component inside the screen
Button button2 = new Button(6, 3, "Button2");
//place component inside the screen
//display screen
Sample output:
CList: component to help your list looks more presentable
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.CList;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CList list = new CList();
list.setTitle("Fruits", Position.CENTER);
Sample output:
CList Functions
Function | Description |
setWidth(int width) |
Set the width of the rectangular border of the list. If not set, it will be based on the longest size of the String inside the list. |
setTitle(String title, Position pos) |
Add a title to the list with three available positions: Position.START , Position.CENTER , Position.END . |
addItem(String item) |
Add an item to the list. |
getItem(int index) |
Get an item from the list by index. |
remove(int index) |
Remove an item from the list by index. |
set(int index, String item) |
Edit/update an item by index. |
CTable: easiest way to output your data on console, just pass your 2d array and you got yourself a neat and instant table.
Sample code:
import me.araopj.cscreen.classes.Position;
import me.araopj.cscreen.components.CTable;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] header = {"Id", "Product Name", "Quantity", "Price"};
//can also add 2d array/list on argument ex: new CTable(your2dArrayOrList, Header);
CTable table = new CTable(header);
//add row
table.addRow("f011", "Fries", "10", "70.00");
table.addRow("b212", "Burger", "10", "30.00");
table.addRow("fc11", "Fried Chicken", "10", "110.50");
table.addRow("f011", "Fries", "10", "70.00");
table.addRow("s930", "Sundae", "10", "30.00");
//center third column
table.setColumnAlignment(2, Position.CENTER);
//Aligned End fourth column
table.setColumnAlignment(3, Position.END);
//print table
//get total of third column in int
int quantityTotal = table.getTotal(2);
//get total of fourth column in float
double priceTotal = table.getFloatTotal(3);
System.out.println("Total Qty: " + quantityTotal);
System.out.println("Total Price: " + priceTotal);
Sample output:
CTable Functions
Function | Description |
addList(List<List<String>> arr) |
Add 2D array to CTable. |
addRow(String[] row) |
Add a row inside the table. |
getRow(int index) |
Get all the values of the selected row; index is the position of the desired row. |
getColumn(int index) |
Get all the values of the selected column; index is the position of the desired column. |
removeRow(int index) |
Remove the selected row by index. |
getCell(int row, int column) |
Get the cell item inside the table. |
setCell(int row, int column, String str) |
Edit/update the selected cell in the table. |
setColumnAlignment(int columnIndex, Position position) |
Set column position by column index. Positions available: Position.START , Position.CENTER , Position.END . |
getIntTotal(int columnIndex) |
Get the integer total value of a column. |
getFloatTotal(int columnIndex) |
Get the float total value of a column. |
findRows(int column, String text) |
Find multiple rows inside the table. Example: List<List<String>> findRows = tableName.findRows(column, "item to search"); . |
Hope you like it….enjoy.