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Nest.js Drizzle


First, install the core package:

npm install nestjs-drizzle

For schema migrations and database management, install Drizzle Kit as a dev dependency:

npm install -D drizzle-kit

Then, install the required packages for your database:


# For standard PostgreSQL
npm install drizzle-orm pg

Neon Serverless

npm install drizzle-orm @neondatabase/serverless

Vercel Postgres

npm install drizzle-orm @vercel/postgres


npm install drizzle-orm pg @supabase/supabase-js


npm install drizzle-orm mysql2


npm install drizzle-orm @planetscale/database


npm install drizzle-orm better-sqlite3

Turso (LibSQL)

npm install drizzle-orm @libsql/client

Configuring Drizzle Kit for Migrations

Create a drizzle.config.ts file in your project root:

import type { Config } from 'drizzle-kit';

export default {
  schema: './drizzle/schema.ts',
  out: './drizzle/migrations',
  driver: 'pg', // or 'mysql', 'sqlite', etc.
  dbCredentials: {
    // For PostgreSQL
    connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL!,
    // For SQLite
    // url: 'sqlite.db',
} satisfies Config;

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate",
    "db:migrate": "drizzle-kit migrate",
    "db:push": "drizzle-kit push",
    "db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio"

Todo List

  • mysql2
  • node-postgres
  • supabase
  • sqlite
  • planetscale
  • neon
  • vercel postgres
  • turso

For schema

// drizzle/schemas/users.ts
import { pgTable, varchar, uuid, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

export const users = pgTable('users', {
  id: uuid('id').unique().primaryKey().defaultRandom(),

  username: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
  password: varchar('password', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

  // more schema

// drizzle/schema.ts
export * from './schemas/users.ts'


import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/postgres';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';

  imports: [
    // Standard PostgreSQL
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema }),
    // or with connection string
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL }),
    // Neon Serverless
      driver: 'neon',
      connectionString: process.env.NEON_DATABASE_URL,
      neon: {
        useHttp: true // Use HTTP protocol instead of WebSockets
    // Vercel Postgres
      driver: 'vercel',
      connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_URL,
      vercel: {
        pooling: true,
        maxConnections: 5

// For MySQL
import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/mysql';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';

  imports: [
    // Standard MySQL
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, connection: { uri: process.env.DATABASE_URL } }),
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, pool: { ... } }),
    // PlanetScale
      driver: 'planetscale',
      connectionString: process.env.PLANETSCALE_URL,
      planetscale: {
        username: process.env.PLANETSCALE_USERNAME,
        password: process.env.PLANETSCALE_PASSWORD,
        host: process.env.PLANETSCALE_HOST

// For SQLite
import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/sqlite';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';

  imports: [
    // Use SQLite (default)
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, url: 'sqlite.db' }),
    // Use in-memory SQLite
    DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, memory: true }),
    // Use Turso (LibSQL)
      driver: 'turso',
      url: process.env.TURSO_URL,
      authToken: process.env.TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN

I recomend to use global.d.ts file for env type safety.

// For quering data
declare type ISchema = typeof import('your/path/schema');

declare namespace NodeJS {
  interface ProcessEnv {
    [key: string]: string | undefined;
    DATABASE_URL: string;
    // For Turso
    TURSO_URL: string;
    TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN: string;
    // For PlanetScale
    PLANETSCALE_URL: string;
    // For Neon
    NEON_DATABASE_URL: string;
    // For Vercel Postgres
    POSTGRES_URL: string;
    // add more environment variables and their types here


import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/mysql";
import { users } from "./drizzle";
import { isNull, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { increment, upper, jsonObject } from "nestjs-drizzle/mysql";

export class AppService {
  constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}

  async getManyUsers() {
    const users = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      username: users.username,
      upperName: upper(users.username),
      incrementedAge: increment(users.age),

    return users;

  async getOneUser(id: string) {
    const [user] = await this.drizzle
      .get(users, {
        username: users.username,
      .where(eq(, id));

    return user;

All function in nestjs-drizzle

// main drizzle db
// insertion
this.drizzle.insert(users, values);
this.drizzle.insert(users, values).$dynamic;
// insert multiple records
this.drizzle.insertMany(users, [values1, values2, values3]);
// update
this.drizzle.update(users, values).where(eq(, 10));
// Increment | Decrement
this.drizzle.update(users, { age: increment(users.age, 20) }).where(eq(, 10));
// Delete
this.drizzle.delete(users).where(eq(, 10));
// Query
// Get
this.drizzle.get(users, { id:, username: users.username })
// or without function
this.drizzle.getWithout(users, { password: true })
// Execute raw SQL
this.drizzle.execute(sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`);
// Transactions
await this.drizzle.transaction(async (tx) => {
  await tx.insert(users, { username: 'john', password: 'password' });
  await tx.update(profiles).set({ active: true }).where(eq(profiles.userId, userId));

Using query

import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/postgres";
import * as schema from '/your/path/schema';

export class AppService {
    private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema> // <- put here <ISchema>
    // or
    private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<typeof schema> // <- or put here <typeof schema>
  ) {}

  getUsers() {
      columns: {
        id: true,
        name: true,
      limit: 10,

SQL Utility Functions

nestjs-drizzle provides a rich set of SQL utility functions that can be used in your queries. These functions help you write more expressive and powerful database queries.

import { 
  increment, decrement, whereIf, jsonObject, concat, coalesce, caseWhen,
  nullIf, currentDate, currentTimestamp, extract, dateAdd, cast,
  lower, upper, trim, substring, length, position, replace,
  startsWith, endsWith, abs, round, ceil, floor, mod, power, sqrt,
  random, arrayAgg, jsonAgg, jsonbAgg, toJson, toJsonb, jsonbSet,
  generateSeries, stringAgg, regexpReplace, regexpMatches, arrayAppend,
  arrayRemove, arrayContains, arrayLength, distinct, ifThen, between, inList
} from 'nestjs-drizzle/postgres';
import { users } from './drizzle';

export class AppService {
  constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}

  async examples() {
    // Numeric operations
    const incrementedAge = await this.drizzle.get(users, { 
      incrementedAge: increment(users.age, 5) // age + 5
    const roundedValue = await this.drizzle.get(users, { 
      roundedSalary: round(users.salary, 2) // Round to 2 decimal places
    // String operations
    const upperName = await this.drizzle.get(users, { 
      upperName: upper( // Convert name to uppercase
    const nameLength = await this.drizzle.get(users, { 
      nameLength: length( // Get length of name
    // Conditional operations
    const activeUsers = await this.drizzle
      .where(whereIf(shouldFilterActive, eq(, true)));
    const userStatus = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      status: caseWhen([
        { when: sql`${users.age} < 18`, then: 'Minor' },
        { when: sql`${users.age} >= 65`, then: 'Senior' }
      ], 'Adult')
    // Date operations
    const userYear = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      birthYear: extract('year', users.birthDate)
    const nextWeek = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      nextWeek: dateAdd(users.createdAt, '+', '1 week')
    // JSON operations
    const userData = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      userData: jsonObject([,, users.age])
    // Array operations
    const tagsWithNewTag = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
      updatedTags: arrayAppend(users.tags, 'new-tag')

For a complete list of available SQL utility functions and their documentation, refer to the source code or API documentation.

Executing Raw SQL Queries

nestjs-drizzle allows you to execute raw SQL queries when you need more flexibility:

import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/postgres";
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";

export class AppService {
  constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}

  async executeRawQuery(userId: string) {
    // Execute a raw SQL query
    const result = await this.drizzle.execute<{ id: string; username: string }>(
      sql`SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`
    return result.rows;
  async complexQuery() {
    // Execute a more complex query
    const result = await this.drizzle.execute(
        WITH ranked_users AS (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY created_at DESC) as rank
          FROM users
        SELECT * FROM ranked_users WHERE rank <= 10
    return result.rows;

Working with Tests

The test directory is excluded from Git to keep the package lightweight, but it's visible in VSCode for development purposes. This is achieved through the following setup:

  1. The /test directory is listed in .gitignore to exclude it from Git
  2. VSCode settings in .vscode/settings.json ensure the test folder is visible in the editor
  3. The .vscode directory is partially included in Git (only specific files) through patterns in .gitignore

Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following commands:

# Run all tests
npm test

# Run tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch

# Run tests with coverage
npm run test:coverage

For more details about the testing approach, see the test README.