First, install the core package:
npm install nestjs-drizzle
For schema migrations and database management, install Drizzle Kit as a dev dependency:
npm install -D drizzle-kit
Then, install the required packages for your database:
# For standard PostgreSQL
npm install drizzle-orm pg
npm install drizzle-orm @neondatabase/serverless
npm install drizzle-orm @vercel/postgres
npm install drizzle-orm pg @supabase/supabase-js
npm install drizzle-orm mysql2
npm install drizzle-orm @planetscale/database
npm install drizzle-orm better-sqlite3
npm install drizzle-orm @libsql/client
Create a drizzle.config.ts
file in your project root:
import type { Config } from 'drizzle-kit';
export default {
schema: './drizzle/schema.ts',
out: './drizzle/migrations',
driver: 'pg', // or 'mysql', 'sqlite', etc.
dbCredentials: {
// For PostgreSQL
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL!,
// For SQLite
// url: 'sqlite.db',
} satisfies Config;
Add the following scripts to your package.json
"scripts": {
"db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate",
"db:migrate": "drizzle-kit migrate",
"db:push": "drizzle-kit push",
"db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio"
- mysql2
- node-postgres
- supabase
- sqlite
- planetscale
- neon
- vercel postgres
- turso
// drizzle/schemas/users.ts
import { pgTable, varchar, uuid, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
export const users = pgTable('users', {
id: uuid('id').unique().primaryKey().defaultRandom(),
username: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
password: varchar('password', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
// more schema
// drizzle/schema.ts
export * from './schemas/users.ts'
import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/postgres';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';
imports: [
// Standard PostgreSQL
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema }),
// or with connection string
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL }),
// Neon Serverless
driver: 'neon',
connectionString: process.env.NEON_DATABASE_URL,
neon: {
useHttp: true // Use HTTP protocol instead of WebSockets
// Vercel Postgres
driver: 'vercel',
connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_URL,
vercel: {
pooling: true,
maxConnections: 5
// For MySQL
import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/mysql';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';
imports: [
// Standard MySQL
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, connection: { uri: process.env.DATABASE_URL } }),
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, pool: { ... } }),
// PlanetScale
driver: 'planetscale',
connectionString: process.env.PLANETSCALE_URL,
planetscale: {
username: process.env.PLANETSCALE_USERNAME,
password: process.env.PLANETSCALE_PASSWORD,
host: process.env.PLANETSCALE_HOST
// For SQLite
import { DrizzleModule } from 'nestjs-drizzle/sqlite';
import * as schema from '/path/schema';
imports: [
// Use SQLite (default)
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, url: 'sqlite.db' }),
// Use in-memory SQLite
DrizzleModule.forRoot({ schema, memory: true }),
// Use Turso (LibSQL)
driver: 'turso',
url: process.env.TURSO_URL,
authToken: process.env.TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN
I recomend to use
file for env type safety.
// For quering data
declare type ISchema = typeof import('your/path/schema');
declare namespace NodeJS {
interface ProcessEnv {
[key: string]: string | undefined;
// For Turso
TURSO_URL: string;
// For PlanetScale
// For Neon
// For Vercel Postgres
// add more environment variables and their types here
import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/mysql";
import { users } from "./drizzle";
import { isNull, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { increment, upper, jsonObject } from "nestjs-drizzle/mysql";
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}
async getManyUsers() {
const users = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
username: users.username,
upperName: upper(users.username),
incrementedAge: increment(users.age),
return users;
async getOneUser(id: string) {
const [user] = await this.drizzle
.get(users, {
username: users.username,
.where(eq(, id));
return user;
// main drizzle db
// insertion
this.drizzle.insert(users, values);
this.drizzle.insert(users, values).$dynamic;
// insert multiple records
this.drizzle.insertMany(users, [values1, values2, values3]);
// update
this.drizzle.update(users, values).where(eq(, 10));
// Increment | Decrement
this.drizzle.update(users, { age: increment(users.age, 20) }).where(eq(, 10));
// Delete
this.drizzle.delete(users).where(eq(, 10));
// Query
// Get
this.drizzle.get(users, { id:, username: users.username })
// or without function
this.drizzle.getWithout(users, { password: true })
// Execute raw SQL
this.drizzle.execute(sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`);
// Transactions
await this.drizzle.transaction(async (tx) => {
await tx.insert(users, { username: 'john', password: 'password' });
await tx.update(profiles).set({ active: true }).where(eq(profiles.userId, userId));
import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/postgres";
import * as schema from '/your/path/schema';
export class AppService {
private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema> // <- put here <ISchema>
// or
private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<typeof schema> // <- or put here <typeof schema>
) {}
getUsers() {
columns: {
id: true,
name: true,
limit: 10,
nestjs-drizzle provides a rich set of SQL utility functions that can be used in your queries. These functions help you write more expressive and powerful database queries.
import {
increment, decrement, whereIf, jsonObject, concat, coalesce, caseWhen,
nullIf, currentDate, currentTimestamp, extract, dateAdd, cast,
lower, upper, trim, substring, length, position, replace,
startsWith, endsWith, abs, round, ceil, floor, mod, power, sqrt,
random, arrayAgg, jsonAgg, jsonbAgg, toJson, toJsonb, jsonbSet,
generateSeries, stringAgg, regexpReplace, regexpMatches, arrayAppend,
arrayRemove, arrayContains, arrayLength, distinct, ifThen, between, inList
} from 'nestjs-drizzle/postgres';
import { users } from './drizzle';
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}
async examples() {
// Numeric operations
const incrementedAge = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
incrementedAge: increment(users.age, 5) // age + 5
const roundedValue = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
roundedSalary: round(users.salary, 2) // Round to 2 decimal places
// String operations
const upperName = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
upperName: upper( // Convert name to uppercase
const nameLength = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
nameLength: length( // Get length of name
// Conditional operations
const activeUsers = await this.drizzle
.where(whereIf(shouldFilterActive, eq(, true)));
const userStatus = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
status: caseWhen([
{ when: sql`${users.age} < 18`, then: 'Minor' },
{ when: sql`${users.age} >= 65`, then: 'Senior' }
], 'Adult')
// Date operations
const userYear = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
birthYear: extract('year', users.birthDate)
const nextWeek = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
nextWeek: dateAdd(users.createdAt, '+', '1 week')
// JSON operations
const userData = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
userData: jsonObject([,, users.age])
// Array operations
const tagsWithNewTag = await this.drizzle.get(users, {
updatedTags: arrayAppend(users.tags, 'new-tag')
For a complete list of available SQL utility functions and their documentation, refer to the source code or API documentation.
nestjs-drizzle allows you to execute raw SQL queries when you need more flexibility:
import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DrizzleService } from "nestjs-drizzle/postgres";
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly drizzle: DrizzleService<ISchema>) {}
async executeRawQuery(userId: string) {
// Execute a raw SQL query
const result = await this.drizzle.execute<{ id: string; username: string }>(
sql`SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`
return result.rows;
async complexQuery() {
// Execute a more complex query
const result = await this.drizzle.execute(
WITH ranked_users AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY created_at DESC) as rank
FROM users
SELECT * FROM ranked_users WHERE rank <= 10
return result.rows;
The test
directory is excluded from Git to keep the package lightweight, but it's visible in VSCode for development purposes. This is achieved through the following setup:
- The
directory is listed in.gitignore
to exclude it from Git - VSCode settings in
ensure the test folder is visible in the editor - The
directory is partially included in Git (only specific files) through patterns in.gitignore
To run the tests, use the following commands:
# Run all tests
npm test
# Run tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch
# Run tests with coverage
npm run test:coverage
For more details about the testing approach, see the test README.