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Helm Chart for Universal Broker

This is a Helm Chart to deploy the Snyk Universal Broker.


  • Helm 3.8.0 or newer
  • (Optionally) the helm-sigstore Helm plugin, or cosign



Universal Broker requires outbound communication via TLS to the following domains (or your regional equivalent):


If a proxy, firewall, or other network appliance sits between Broker and the public internet, ensure:

  • the above domains are whitelisted, and
  • the proxy, firewall or other network appliance supports the websockets protocol

Installing the Helm Chart for Universal Broker

Pull the Helm Chart, and provide any configuration necessary:

helm pull oci://

Verifying the Helm Chart

The Helm Chart for Snyk Universal Broker is signed with cosign. Optionally validate the Helm Chart with the following methods.

By tag

Replace x.y.z with the value of the tag:

cosign verify snyk/snyk-universal-broker:x.y.z \
  --certificate-identity-regexp="*" \

By digest

Replace @sha256:... with the digest of the tag:

cosign verify snyk/snyk-universal-broker@sha256:... \
  --certificate-identity-regexp="*" \

Basic Configuration

Selecting your Snyk Region

If required, specify your Snyk Region by entering the url fragment between app and into region. For example, to set the Universal Broker to connect to SNYK-EU-01:

region: "eu"

Credential References

Any Credential References (refer to the example provided on must be provided to the Universal Broker. This can be achieved directly through Helm, or via an external Kubernetes Secret.

For the following example, assume three credential references are created of the following deployment_credential types:

  • github
  • gitlab
  • azure-repos

An example data object is shown for the github type.

    "id": "uuidv4",
    "type": "deployment_credential",
    "attributes": {
      "comment": "",
      "deployment_id": "uuidv4",
      "environment_variable_name": "MY_GITHUB_TOKEN",
      "type": "github"

The number of credential references will depend on the type of the deployment_credential; github holds just one (the GitHub PAT), whilst azure-repos holds three (the Azure Repos Org, Username and Password)

Via Helm

Provide the environment variable used when creating the credential reference, and the actual value of your credential.

For example, providing the Universal Broker with a GitHub, GitLab and Azure Repos credential:

  MY_GITHUB_TOKEN: <your-github-token>
  MY_GITLAB_TOKEN: <your-gitlab-token>
  AZURE_REPOS_PRODSEC_USERNAME: <your-azure-repos-username>
  AZURE_REPOS_PRODSEC_PASSWORD: <your-azure-repos-password>

The Universal Broker Helm Chart creates this secret for you.

Via External Secret

First create or otherwise ensure the secret exists:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-universal-broker-secrets
  MY_GITHUB_TOKEN: <your-github-token>

Then set values within .Values.credentialReferencesSecret that match your external Secret:

  name: my-universal-broker-secrets


By default, Universal Broker provides a ClusterIP Service. This can be adjusted to a LoadBalancer, NodePort as best fits the deployment environment.


Universal Broker provides an Ingress template, compatible with any Kubernetes Ingress controller.

It may be extended with additional hosts, paths, annotations as required.

High Availability Mode

Universal Broker will run with High Availability Mode enabled by default. Optionally increase the number of replicas from 2 up to 4 to suit fault tolerance.

High Availability Mode may be disabled by setting highAvailabilityMode.enabled: false.


Preflight Checks

Review documentation on for a list of checks executed by the Universal Broker at startup.

If any of these checks are failing, it may indicate a misconfiguration.


The Universal Broker log level is set to "INFO" by default. All responses, regardless of HTTP status code, are logged by the Universal Broker.

Additional logging is available:

  • For verbose request logging (including headers), set logVerbose: true. This provides additional information without enabling DEBUG logs.
  • For debug-level logging, set logLevel: "debug".

Note: Some logs may capture sensitive information like credentials. If using increased logging to provide Universal Broker logs to Snyk, check for credentials and redact before transmission.

Common Issues identified in Logs

  • 401 or 403 error codes indicate credentials are not valid for the integration.
  • References to SSL or leaf certificate indicate a self-signed certificate is not trusted by Broker. Refer to steps in Certificate Trust.

Advanced Configuration

Configure an Outbound Proxy

To use Universal Broker behind a proxy, set:

  • .Values.httpsProxy to the Proxy URL - this may contain username/password authentication if required
  • .Values.noProxy to any URLs that should not transit the Proxy - this may include internal registries, SCMs, or other systems Broker may interact with.

Other authentication methods are not supported.

Certificate Trust

Certificate Authority material may be provided directly to Universal Broker in the Helm Chart, or referenced to an external secret.

Via Helm

If providing directly to Helm, set .Values.caCert to the full trust chain necessary (this may be multiple certificates) for your Certificate Authority in PEM format as a string.

caCert: |-

The Universal Broker Helm Chart creates this secret for you.

Via External Secret

First create or otherwise ensure the secret exists:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: ca-certificate
  ca.pem: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.....

Then set values within .Values.caCertSecret that match your external Secret:

  name: ca-certificate
  caCertKey: ca.pem

Disable All Trust

Set .Values.disableAllCertificateTrust to true. Broker will no longer validate any certificates, including those issued by public Certificate Authorities.

Use a Custom Image Registry

The Universal Broker Helm Chart will pull directly from DockerHub by default. Using the pull command for your private container registry as reference, set image.registry to the domain of your registry, and image.repository to the internal repository the Broker image will be available from.

For example, this might be:

  repository: docker/broker

Image Pull Secrets

Set .Values.image.pullSecrets if the custom image registry requires authentication. The Universal Broker Helm Chart will reference a pre-existing secret; it will not create one. Multiple secrets may be specified.

  repository: docker/broker
    - name: containers-company-secret

Commit Signing

Snyk Broker commit signing is in Early Access. If you would like to use this feature, contact your Snyk representative or team.

This feature requires a GitHub Account that has a GPG key configured for commit signing.

Via Helm

Provide the GPG key (exported as an ASCII armored version), the passphrase, and associated email/user:

  name: "Account Name"
  email: "[email protected]"
  passphrase: "passphrase"
  gpgPrivateKey: -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n....\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----

The Universal Broker Helm Chart creates this secret for you.

Via External Secret

First create or otherwise ensure the secret exists:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: gpg-signing-key
  GPG_PASSPRHASE: "passphrase"
  GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: "[email protected]"

The keys must match the example above.

Then set values within .Values.commitSigningSecret to reference this external Secret:

  enabled: true
  name: gpg-signing-key

Commit signing is enabled if the following entry appears in Universal Broker logs at startup:

loading commit signing rules (enabled=true, rulesCount=5)

Broker with TLS

Optionally provide a certificate and key to run Broker behind TLS. This may be useful if an Ingress is not used.

Via Helm

  https: true
  key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nYOUR KEY HERE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

The Universal Broker Helm Chart creates this secret for you.

Via External Secret

First create or otherwise ensure the secret exists:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: broker-tls
  tls.key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nYOUR KEY HERE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

Note: This is of type If using another format, the keys must match the example above.

THen set values within localWebServerSecret to reference this external Secret:

  name: broker-tls

Insecure Downstream

Universal Broker will communicate with any downstream systems via HTTPS by default.

In some situations http only traffic is required. This mode is not recommended as credentials/data will be transmitted to downstream systems unencrypted.

Snyk will not be held responsible for any credential leaks that may occur as a result of the use of insecure downstream mode.

Enable by setting insecureDownstream: true.

Extending the Helm Chart

Arbitrary Kubernetes Objects

Use the Additional Objects values to add ConfigMaps, Secrets, Sidecars, initContainers, Volumes and VolumeMounts to the Universal Broker.

Additional Environment Variables

Use extraEnvVars to add arbitrary environment variables directly in Helm:

  - MY_ENV_VAR: myvalue

Note: Check for duplicate environment variables.


Snyk Broker parameters

Refer to documentation via to obtain deploymentId, clientId, clientSecret values.

Credential References should contain one or more key/value pairs where each key matches the environment_variable_name of a deployment_credential, and the value provides the secret. For example:

helm install ... --set credentialReferences.MY_GITHUB_TOKEN=<gh-pat>
Name Description Value
brokerClientUrl is the address of the broker. This needs to be the address of itself. In the case of Kubernetes, you need to ensure that you are pointing to the cluster ingress you have setup. ""
region Optionally specify a Snyk Region - e.g. "eu" for "SNYK-EU-01". Defaults to "SNYK-US-01", ""
deploymentId Obtained by installing the Broker App ""
clientId Obtained by installing the Broker App ""
clientSecret Obtained by installing the Broker App "" Optionally provide an external secret containing three keys: DEPLOYMENT_ID, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET ""
credentialReferences Credential References to pass to Broker {} Optionally provide a pre-existing secret with SCM credential reference data ""
acceptCode Set to false to block Broker rules relating to Snyk Code analysis true
acceptAppRisk Set to false to block Broker rules relating to AppRisk true
acceptIaC Defaults to "tf,yaml,yml,json,tpl". Optionally remove any extensions not required. Must be comma separated. Set to "" to block Broker rules relating to Snyk IaC analysis ""
acceptCustomPrTemplates Set to false to block Broker rules relating to Snyk Custom PR Templates true
acceptLargeManifests Set to false to block Broker rules relating to fetching of large files from GitHub/GitHub Enterprise true
insecureDownstream Set to true to communicate with all downstream integrations via http. Not recommended, as traffic will no longer be encrypted false
highAvailabilityMode.enabled snyk [default: true] Set to false to disable High Availability Mode for Broker true
highAvailabilityMode.replicaCount Number of Broker pods when running in HA mode (min 2, max 4) 2


Name Description Value
logLevel Set the Log Level for Universal Broker. Can be set to "debug" for more information info
logVerbose Enable to log request headers. Takes effect if log level is "info" false

Serving over HTTPS and Certificate Trust

Name Description Value
caCert Set caCert to read certificate content from the values.yaml file as a multiline string: ""
caCertMount.path the path to mount a certificate bundle to "/home/node/cacert" the filename to write a certificate bundle to "cacert" set to read a CA cert from an external secret ""
caCertSecret.caCertKey set to read the ca cert from a different key ca.pem
disableAllCertificateTrust Set to true to disable trust of all certificates, including any provided CAs false
localWebServer.https enables Broker client to run a HTTPS server instead of the default HTTP server false
localWebServer.certificate Provide HTTPS cert ""
localWebServer.key Provides HTTPS cert key "" the name of the secret to create or (if cert and key are empty) the existing TLS secret to use ""

Proxy Configuration

Name Description Value
httpProxy Set to proxy any http-only traffic. You probably need to use HTTPS proxy setting and leave this blank ""
httpsProxy HTTPS Proxy URL. Optionally provide user/password auth in the url (http(s)://[username]:[password]@my.proxy:[port]). No other authentication schemes are supported ""
noProxy A comma-separated list of hostnames that must not transit a proxy. Do not include protocol or port numbers "" The name of a pre-existing secret containing up to three entries. If set, supersedes .Values.httpProxy, .Values.httpsProxy and .Values.noProxy ""
proxySecret.httpProxyKey Specify the key within the pre-existing secret containing the value for HTTP_PROXY. If left empty, no value is set ""
proxySecret.httpsProxyKey Specify the key within the pre-existing secret containing the value for HTTPS_PROXY. If left empty, no value is set ""
proxySecret.noProxyKey Specify the key within the pre-existing secret containing the value for NO_PROXY. If left empty, no value is set ""

Commit Signing

Name Description Value
commitSigning.enabled Set to true to sign any commits made to GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. Requires name, email, passphrase, privateKey or commitSigningSecret false The name to associate with any signed commits "" The email to associate with any signed commits ""
commitSigning.gpgPrivateKey The GPG private key to sign commits with (ASCII armored version) ""
commitSigning.passphrase The passphrase for the GPG key ""
commitSigningSecret An external secret containing GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL, GPG_PASSPHRASE and GPG_PRIVATE_KEY ""

Broker Ingress

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled Set to true to create an Ingress false
ingress.className Optionally define an Ingress Class ""
ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource {}
ingress.path sets the path associated with the ingress "/"
ingress.pathType sets the path type associated with the ingress "ImplementationSpecific"
ingress.hostname define the host associated with this ingress - add Broker_client_url here "broker.local"
ingress.extraHosts An array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record []
ingress.extraPaths Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host []
ingress.extraTls Any additional tls entries to add to the ingress []
ingress.extraRules Any additional rules to add to the ingress []
ingress.secrets A list of TLS secrets to create, each with name, key and certificate []
ingress.tls.enabled Set to true to enable TLS on the in-built ingress false
ingress.tls.existingSecret Specify an existing TLS secret to use with this ingress ""

Networking Parameters

Name Description Value
containerPort The port the Broker container will expose 8000
hostAliases Add host aliases to the Broker pod if required []
service.type Set the included Service type ClusterIP
service.port Set the port the Service will expose 8000
service.nodePort Optionally specify a nodePort (only takes effect if service.type=NodePort) nil
service.clusterIP Optionally specify an IP address (only takes effect if service.type=ClusterIP) nil
service.loadBalancerIP Optionally specify an IP address (only takes effect if service.type=LoadBalancer) nil
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Specify an array of CIDR blocks to permit traffic from (only takes effect if service.type=LoadBalancer) []
service.externalTrafficPolicy Set the externalTrafficPolicy of the service (only takes effect if service.type=LoadBalancer) Cluster
service.extraPorts Add extra ports to the Service []
service.tls Enable TLS at the Service level []


Name Description Value
runtimeClassName Optionally specify a runtimeClassName for Broker to target ""
priorityClassName Optionally specify a priorityClassName for Broker to target ""
resources.requests.cpu Set CPU requests 1
resources.requests.memory Set memory requests 512Mi
resources.limits.cpu Set CPU limits 2
resources.limits.memory Set memory limits 1024Mi


Name Description Value
commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}
commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}
podLabels Labels to add to the Broker Pod {}
affinity Any affinities/anti-affinities to apply to Broker {}
nodeSelector Any node labels to match when scheduling Broker {}
tolerations Any taints to tolerate when scheduling Broker {}


Name Description Value
livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe true
livenessProbe.path Path for the livenessProbe "/healthcheck"
livenessProbe.config.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay in seconds 3
livenessProbe.config.periodSeconds Seconds between probes 10
livenessProbe.config.timeoutSeconds Elapsed second(s) for timeout 1
livenessProbe.config.failureThreshold Number of consecutive probe failures to mark as unhealthy 3
readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe true
readinessProbe.path Path for the readinessProbe /healthcheck
readinessProbe.config.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay in seconds 3
readinessProbe.config.periodSeconds Seconds between probes 10
readinessProbe.config.timeoutSeconds Elapsed second(s) for timeout 1
readinessProbe.config.failureThreshold Number of consecutive probe failures to mark as not ready 3

Image Registry

Name Description Value
image.registry Broker image registry
image.repository Broker image repository snyk/broker
image.tag Broker image tag universal
image.pullPolicy Broker image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Optionally provide any existing image pull secrets []

Service Account

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Enable creation of a serviceAccount true
serviceAccount.existingName Optionally provide an existing serviceAccount name ""
serviceAccount.annotations Additional custom annotations for the serviceAccount {} The name of the serviceAccount to create. If not set and create is true, a name is generated ""

Security Contexts

Name Description Value
podSecurityContext.enabled Enable Pod Security Context for Broker true
podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Set filesystem group change policy Always
podSecurityContext.sysctls Set kernel settings using the sysctl interface []
podSecurityContext.fsGroup Group ID for the volumes of the pod 1000
podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups Set filesystem groups []
containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Broker container security context true
containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions Set SELinux options for Broker container {}
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser 1000
containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup 1000
containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Allow the Broker container to escalate privileges false
containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop ] Linux capabilities to drop ""
containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem Must be set to false; Broker will write configuration to filesystem upon startup false
containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Run Broker as non-root true
containerSecurityContext.privileged Run Broker as a privileged container false
containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type Set the seccomProfile for Broker "RunTimeDefault"

Additional Objects

Name Description Value
sidecars Any sidecars to attach to Broker []
initContainers Any initContainers to run before Broker []
extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for Broker container []
extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for Broker container []
extraEnvVars Optionally specify extra list of additional environment variables for Broker container []
extraEnvVarsCM Optionally specify one or more external configmaps containing additional environment variables for Broker []
extraEnvVarsSecret Optionally specify one or more external secrets containing additional environment variables for Broker []