This repository contains the code for the SHPE UF Android Mobile Application 🐊
SHPE, also known as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, is a Hispanic community at the University of Florida that strives to reach its fullest potential by impacting the world through STEM awareness, access, support and development. The goal of this application is to allow our community easy access to several professional, academic and communal resoures.
Ok, but why should I use SHPE UF Android? 🤷
- Join the SHPE UF community
- Meet other SHPEitos and join us for events!
- ✨Points✨
Getting access to the project We need our dev team to have access to our repo and all of our files. Send your Design Team Director a message with your GitHub username, UF email, and Discord username so they can add you to the repo, Asana, and Discord.
- Get GitHub repo access
- Create Asana account (must use UF email)
- Join Discord server
- Download Android Studio
git clone Using the https link under "Code", downloads the repository's code onto your personal computer.
git clone
Once you have gained access to the codebase and joined the Discord server and the Asana project. You are all set start your onboarding.
Go through our User Onboarding document Go through our Development Process guide
Now that you are all set up and familiar with the project, you are finally ready to start coding. Last thing you will need is to head over to Asana and start working on some tasks!
- SHPE UF Website - SHPE UF's chapter website
- SHPE UF E-Board - SHPE UF's E-Board
- Android Developer - Includes tutorials and training courses on Android Development
- Android Studio - Latest Android Studio version
- Asana - Project Management