livcricket is a simple CLI made using React-ink for cricket lovers. It includes various features like notifications and customisable refreshTime.
$ git clone
$ cd livcricket
$ npm install
$ Configure the settings.json
$ npm link
$ npm unlink - (from project directory)
1. refreshTime: Time period, in seconds, between updates
2. notifications: set it to true for notifications - requires zenity (check using "which notify-send" in terminal)
3. maxCharacters: maximum number of characters to be displayed in the score summary
4. repo_path: set the absolute location of the repo (ex: "~/Downloads/livcricket")
$ livcriket --help
$ livcriket
$ livcriket --version
-> Checkout the settings.json to look into more features of the app.
-> You need to have notify-send to enable notifications, try 'notify-send "Hey Sexy!" to check if you've notify-send support.
-> The refreshtime must be given in seconds.
-> Maxcharacters can be modified if you've smaller or bigger terminals. It'll be reflected in the score display.
-> Drop a star if you find this project useful (
-> Made with lots of love by Abishake (
-> Thanks to AdarshPatel (