VxCage is a WSGI Python application for managing a malware samples repository with a REST API interface.
In order to install VxCage you need to have Python (2.7), pip, and git installed.
Following are the required libraries:
If you want to enable the fuzzy hash, you need to install.
On Ubuntu/Debian systems sudo apt-get install ssdeep libfuzzy-dev
This fork of VxCage requires PostgreSQL in order to take advantage of native json data types.
To install PostgreSQL requirements:
On Ubuntu/Debian systems apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-all libpq-dev
You also need to configure the connection string for your database in etc/api.conf
. For example:
Refer to SQLAlchemy's documentation for additional connection string details.
If they are installed, you can install the required Python packages via pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
For extended pefile
functions install upgrade pefile to a version >= 1.2.10-139
pip install pefile --upgrade --allow-external=pefile --allow-unverified=pefile
You can install the required Python packages via pip.
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
If you plan to run VxCage with Apache, you'll need to have mod_wsgi installed.
On Ubuntu/Debian systems apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
Now proceeds installing Apache and required modes:
# apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
Enable the mod:
# a2enmod wsgi
If you want to enable SSL, you need to generate a certificate with OpenSSL or buy one from a certified authority.
You can also use the make-ssl-cert
utility as following:
# make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf /path/to/apache.pem
Now create a virtual host for the domain you want to host the application on. We'll enable WSGI, SSL and a basic authentication.
A valid template is the following:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName yourwebsite.tld
WSGIDaemonProcess yourapp user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/app.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/app.wsgi>
WSGIProcessGroup yourgroup
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location />
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Authentication Required"
AuthUserFile "/path/to/users"
Require valid-user
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/apache.pem
ErrorLog /path/to/error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /path/to/access.log combined
ServerSignature Off
Now add your user:
# htpasswd -c /path/to/users username
You should be ready to go. Make sure to reload Apache afterwards:
# service apache2 reload
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
WSGIDaemonProcess localhost user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/vxcage/app.wsgi
<Directory /opt/vxcage>
WSGIProcessGroup localhost
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
<Files app.wsgi>
Require all granted
ErrorLog /opt/vxcage/error.log
LogLevel debug
CustomLog /opt/vxcage/access.log combined
ServerSignature Off
You should be ready to go. Make sure to reload Apache afterwards:
# service apache2 reload
For testing purposes, you can also run it with the Bottle.py server just doing:
$ invoke webserver
You can interact with your repository with the provided REST API.
Submit a sample:
$ curl -F [email protected] -F tags="tag1 tag2" http://yourdomain.tld/malware/add
Submit a bunch of samples to a local instance:
$ find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} curl -F file=@{} -F tags="bulk_file_import" http://localhost:8080/malware/add
Retrieve a sample:
$ curl http://yourdomain.tld/malware/get/<sha256> > sample.exe
Find a sample by MD5:
$ curl -F md5=<md5> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find
Find a sample by SHA-256:
$ curl -F sha256=<sha256> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find
Find a sample by Ssdeep (can also search for a substring of the ssdeep hash):
$ curl -F ssdeep=<pattern> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find
Find a sample by import hash (md5):
$ curl -F imphash=<imphash> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find
Find a sample by Tag:
$ curl -F tag=<tag> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find
List existing tags:
$ curl http://yourdomain.tld/tags/list
Retrieve total (estimated) number of samples:
$ curl http://yourdomain/malware/total
In case you added a basic authentication, you will need to add --basic -u "user:pass"
. In case you added SSL support with a generated certificate, you will need to add --insecure
and obviously make the requests to https://yourdomain.tld.
You can also easily interact with your VxCage server using the provided console interface from either a remote or localmachine.
You will need python 2.7, and pip installed.
In order to run it, you'll need the following dependencies:
pip install -r client-requirements.pip
The client can be found on the server in bin\vxcage.py
This is the help message:
usage: vxcage.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-s] [-a]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST Host of VxCage server
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of VxCage server
-s, --ssl Enable if the server is running over SSL
-a, --auth Enable if the server is prompting an HTTP
As you can see, you can specify the host
, the port
and enable SSL and HTTP authentication.
For example, you can launch it simply with:
$ python vxcage.py --host yourserver.com --port 443 --ssl --auth
You will be prompted with:
`o O o O .oOo .oOoO' .oOoO .oOo.
O o OoO O O o o O OooO'
o O o o o o O O o O
`o' O O `OoO' `OoO'o `OoOo `OoO'
OoO' by nex
Username: nex
Now you can start typing commands, you can start with:
vxcage> help
Available commands:
tags Retrieve list of tags
find Query a file by md5, sha256, ssdeep, imphash, tag or date
get Download a file by sha256
dump Dump a list of md5, sha256, ssdeep hashes
add Upload a file to the server
last Retrieve a list of the last x files uploaded
total Total number of samples
version Version of remote vxcage server
license Print the software license
help | ? Show this help
exit | quit Exit cli application
You can interrogate the server:
vxcage> version
| Key | Value |
| source | https://github.com/shadowbq/vxcage |
| version | 1.5.0 |
You can retrieve the list of available tags:
vxcage> tags
| tag |
| banker |
| bot |
| carberp |
| citadel |
| zeus |
Total: 5
You can dump the hashes from the storage:
vxcage> dump sha256
| sha256 |
| 722cf7a7c33d707da3ed07db60637526439ba910c397b0c91e574d1d30ecf815 |
| 6f3546af73d284a40cbfdd2576a6d8fc3c9b5ffad4413f2312230f4c112face2 |
| 33b4479b234abf14bcff057416ee1c1794adf25188b358435be216fd66bbf6dd |
| 3a44e084acd963635cc31566956dbbb06325e97d31f1ffed3796e57cb2edc7d0 |
| 63b2a22178d1e73dcf8622e0070aaf7213c0a3a799d6cc88d40c170ca63cd5f6 |
| 11f2f82ee59562be560e1803fd508579fd597143b854c01f9f8ef0a95a322799 |
| 3103541e8bb641927ac4617c3fc3e3ea00f7c2a8f555979b21c2d21b8bc22a8f |
| 5d2eb41f8fc3ca2aa75987e3f36b42d94a3a3e96c03b3526c25a77c4f01044f4 |
| 1b05ea7b15603452eacab35f8fde9bc99f3288a5d9e490861d4d21c8a28299b0 |
| 1fd9e96945a6b6e8f0a0f354f72f8718c81a2df2ad0db01193348e6c6a9c1536 |
Total: 10
You can search for all samples matching a specific tag:
vxcage> find tag carberp
| md5 | sha256 | file_name | file_type | file_size |
| 719354b4b7b182b30e1de8ce7b417d2f | 689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029 | carberp1.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 132096 |
| 63d8fd55ebe6e2fa6cc9523df942a9a5 | a6d77a5ba2b5b46a0ad85fe7f7f01063fe7267344c0cecec47985cd1e46fa7a4 | carberp2.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 192512 |
| ccf43cdc957d09ea2c60c6f57e4600f0 | b998233b85af152596f5087e64c2cadb1466e4f6da62f416ac3126f87c364276 | carberp3.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 186880 |
Total: 3
You can view the last 'x' files uploaded:
vxcage> last 3
| md5 | sha256 | file_name | file_type | file_size | virustotal | created_at | tags |
| 0014f80eb7ae874afd50a175441de885 | 6f3546af73d284a40cbfdd2576a6d8fc3c9b5ffad4413f2312230f4c112face2 | setup.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive | 430304 | -1 | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | minotaur, bulk_file_import |
| 940f45f39e83b9e033dc0c1021fa9b95 | 33b4479b234abf14bcff057416ee1c1794adf25188b358435be216fd66bbf6dd | 2inf_startlink.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 209488 | -1 | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | bulk_file_import |
| b7d1da8e1b0f64a1d11c20292c39a0c3 | 722cf7a7c33d707da3ed07db60637526439ba910c397b0c91e574d1d30ecf815 | ck.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 163840 | -1 | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | bulk_file_import |
Total: 3
You can view details on a specific sample:
vxcage> find sha256 b4c5ecdb80ac097eaed5299c8f66cd56ebfe502e33aecf7ecfb6c34efc9f42ac
peid: None
sha1: 20ccd7830548e8ad90216f1473ce4d7f3748b1a8
virustotal: -/- matches
tags: upxed
file_type: None
imphash: None
created_at: 2014-08-02 04:59:19.937406
file_size: 166912
pdfid: {u'pdfid': -1}
file_name: puttytel.exe
crc32: 51799BDB
ssdeep: 3072:lWVW9uWonxEXJXcUuu45mrCDc+hzWXyi:4I9snxE5XUTs+hzW
sha256: b4c5ecdb80ac097eaed5299c8f66cd56ebfe502e33aecf7ecfb6c34efc9f42ac
sha512: be6286f1d79b4aca1a1e504fcc270820803af3c64cf9a570a3a22588734c4cb7a3cef460cccbbd984fcfb6b91fb32108819952859c5baf73fe588fe8372abae5
id: 7
md5: a8b41b32131ca34387d2929c19eaa7d4
You can download the sample:
vxcage> get 689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029 /tmp
Download: 100% |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| Time: 00:00:00 223.63 K/s
File downloaded at path: /tmp/689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029
Or upload a new one:
vxcage> add /tmp/malware.exe windows,trojan,something
File uploaded successfully
Available tasks:
clean Clean up docs, bytecode, and extras
clobber Clean up malware store, database, docs, bytecode, and extras
rest_client Run the cli REST API client application
webserver Run the bottle.py test webapp
See LICENSE file
VxCage is licensed originally under BSD 2-Clause and is copyrighted to Claudio Guarnieri.
Twitter: @botherder