Quickly crop a photo for multiple ratios on the same screen 🖼️✂️
Buy me a coffee - Sponsorship 💖
- 🛠 ⚡️ Easy and fast
- 🧑💻 User friendly
- 🤹 🎨 Interactive
- 💸 🚫 Fully free. No ads, no premium bullshit
- 💾 🔒 Safe. Doesn't store your photo
Git clone.
$ git clone https://github.com/selimdoyranli/4in1crop.git
$ cd 4in1crop
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# generate static project
$ yarn generate
# serve production mode
$ yarn start
# run eslint
yarn lint:eslint
# run eslint fix
yarn lint:eslint:fix
# run stylelint
yarn lint:stylelint
# run stylelint fix
yarn lint:stylelint:fix
# run prettier
yarn prettier
Using Conventional Commits, commitizen, commitizen cli
# add files
git add .
# generate commit message
yarn commit # or yarn cz
# push
git push
Using changelogen for release & changelog management, arguments are the same as changelogen
# run changelogen
yarn changelog
- Nuxt - Nuxt2 vue framework
- @nuxtjs/composition-api - Composition api module for nuxt2 / vue2
- vue-advanced-cropper - Cropper package for vue
- Vuesax - UI library
- Pug
- Scss
- Bootstrap5 scss utils
- Husky
- Eslint
- Stylelint
- Prettier
- Commitlint
- Commitizen
- Changelogen
You can sponsor me for the continuity of my projects:
MIT License © 2023 selimdoyranli