Vagrant files to setup a local EventStore cluster using OpsCode Chef Cookbook
> This is a work in progress.
> Cluster and gossip seem to be setup correctly now, but having issues with Projections.
Download and install Vagrant.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
git clone
cd vagrant-eventstore-cluster
vagrant up
Wait for all operations to complete, the cluster nodes should now be available at the address, and
There are some variables at the top of the file which you can use to customise the cluster:
- NODE_COUNT: The number of nodes in the cluster.
- IP_INCREMENT: How much to increment the ip of each node by.
- BASE_IP: The first 3 octects that will make up the ip, the last octet is made up of the IP_INCREMENT * node index.
The Event Store cookbook is used to provision the machines.
EventStore configuration parameters can be passed in by modifying the Vagrantfile and adding some keys/values to the eventstore/config hash. Any added keys will be put into the /etc/eventstore/config.json file.