seatsio-android allows rendering seating charts or the event manager inside an Android application.
Android SDK version 29 and upwards is supported (which corresponds to Android 10)
seatsio-android is available in the Maven Central repository:
// build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'io.seats:seatsio-android:13.5.0'
// pom.xml
Note that v12.0.0 is the first version that's hosted on Maven Central instead of on JitPack.
seatsio-android offers 2 custom views: SeatingChartView
and EventManagerView
. Those are WebViews, which need internet access. Make sure you add the following permission to AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest ...>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Your build.gradle
also needs to specify a targetCompatibility
of 1.8 or higher:
android {
compileOptions {
targetCompatibility 1.8
All configuration parameters are documented at
// this code should be inside an Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
setContentView(new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
new PricingForCategory("Ground Floor", new SimplePricing(34)),
new PricingForCategory("Balcony", new SimplePricing(50))
.setPriceFormatter(price -> price + "€");
setContentView(new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
new PricingForCategory("Ground Floor",
new TicketTypesPricing(
new TicketTypePricing(40, "Child"),
new TicketTypePricing(50, "Adult")
new PricingForCategory("Balcony",
new TicketTypesPricing(
new TicketTypePricing(60, "Child"),
new TicketTypePricing(70, "Adult")
.setPriceFormatter(price -> price + "€");
setContentView(new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnChartRendered((chart) -> {
chart.getHoldToken(holdToken -> {
// do something with the hold token
SeatingChartView chart = new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext())
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnObjectSelected((object, ticketType) -> /* do something */)
.setOnObjectDeselected((object, ticketType) -> /* do something */);
setContentView(new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnChartRendered((chart) -> {
chart.listSelectedObjects(objects -> {
// do something with the list of objects
SeatingChartView chart = new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext())
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnChartRendered((chart) -> {
chart.getReportBySelectability(report -> {
// do something with the report
SeatingChartView chart = new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext())
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnChartRendered((chart) -> {
chart.selectObject("K-3"); // or chart.deselectObject("K-3"), chart.pulseObject("K-3"), ...
chart.isObjectInChannel("K-3", "NO_CHANNEL", result -> Log.i("aTag", "In channel NO_CHANNEL? " + result));
SeatingChartView chart = new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext())
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setObjectLabel("object => object.labels.own"); // must be a valid Javascript function
setContentView(new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
AtomicBoolean rendered = new AtomicBoolean(false);
SeatingChartConfig config = new SeatingChartConfig()
.setOnChartRendered((chart) -> rendered.set(true))
SeatingChartView chart = new SeatingChartView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext());
final Button button = findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener((View v) -> {
if (rendered.get()) {
// this code should be inside an Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
EventManagerConfig config = new EventManagerConfig()
setContentView(new EventManagerView(Region.EU, config, getApplicationContext()));
Documentation for the event manager is available at