Releases: scihant/CTShowcase
Releases · scihant/CTShowcase
Swift 5.0 Support
Swift 4.2 Support
Added Swift 4.2 Support
Swift 4 Support
Added Swift 4 support
Made some methods open
Made some methods open to make them overridable.
Carthage Support and Project Reorganization
- Added Carthage Support
- The example project no longer requires CocoaPods
- CTShowcaseView now updates its location whenever the frame of its target view changes
- CTShowcaseView automatically gets dismissed if less than %75 of its target view is visible when the Showcase is displayed.
- Improved API naming
Bug fix in DynamicGlowHighlighter
DynamicGlowHighlighter now clears the entire circular region instead of half of it before drawing the actual highlight
Swift 3 migration
Migrated the code to Swift 3. All methods now conform to the Swift 3 API design guidelines.