This is the contents of my .vim directory. It includes my vimrc, which you should symlink to ~/.vimrc in order to get the goodness.
It includes several plugins: Git-vim, Gist, NERDtree, FuzzyFinder, FuzzyFinderTextmate, lots of color schemes, updated ruby bindings, and more.
To use, copy this directory to ~/.vim and symlink ~/.vim/vimrc to ~/.vimrc.
Fugitive provides:
Super-duper git functionality.
NerdTree provides:
A TextMate style ‘project drawer’
A built in filesystem explorer
FuzzyFinder(Textmate) provides:
A TextMate style ‘cmd-t’ buffer switching interface
An ‘open buffers’ tab-esque interface
Ack provides:
Awesome code grepping
Taglist provides:
Easy source code browsing
Must have exuberant ctags installed
Set to auto-populate behind the scenes
Surround provides:
Setting or replacing text that surrounds lines
NERD_Commenter provides:
Super smart comment control
Gist provides:
Integrated gist support
- :GitAdd <file>
git-add <file> or current file if not specified.
- :GitCommit <args>
- :GitStatus
Show git-status of current file or repository.
- :GitLog
Show git-log of current file or repository.
- :GitCheckout <args>
git-checkout. Completes git commits.
- :GitDiff <args>
git-diff. Completes git commits.
- :GitPull <args>
- :GitPullRebase
git-pull –rebase.
- :GitPush <args>
git-push. Defaults to +git push origin <current-branch>+.
- :GitCatFile <args>
- :Git <args>
Does any git command.
- :GitVimDiffMerge
Experimental. Call this command on unmerged file to enter vimdiff mode.
- :GitVimDiffMergeDone
Call this command after merging.
- :Ack
Takes options, a pattern, and a directory. Shows results in a quickbuffer.
- :AckAdd
Like Ack + grepadd - adds to, rather than replaces, the quickbuffer.
- :LAck
Ack + lgrep - opens in location-list
- :LAckAdd
Appends to the location list
- :TlistOpen
Opens the tag list window
- :TlistToggle
Toggle the tag list window
Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.
Old text Command New text ~ "Hello *world!" ds" Hello world! [123+4*56]/2 cs]) (123+456)/2 "Look ma, I'm *HTML!" cs"<q> <q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q> if *x>3 { ysW( if ( x>3 ) { my $str = *whee!; vlllls' my $str = 'whee!';
- ds
- cs
- ys
- s
- ,cc
- ,c
- ,ci
- ,cs
- ,cA
- ,cl
- ,cb
- ,cu
- :Gist
- :‘<,’>Gist
- :Gist -p
- :Gist -a
- :Gist -e
- :Gist -e foo.js
- :Gist XXXXX
- :Gist -c XXXXX
- :Gist -l
- :Gist -la
- ,rp
- ,rt
- ,rf
- ,d
- ,t
- ,b
- ,l
- ,gd
- ,gD
:GitDiff –cached
- ,gs
- ,gl
- ,ga
- ,gA
:GitAdd <cfile>
- ,gc
- ,ws
Remove trailing whitespace
- <Enter>
:GitAdd <cfile>
You can use the rake ‘install’ task to install this in your home directory.
This will also work on Windows. A few notes.
Windows default vimrc location is C:Usersusername_vimrc. User home directory doesn’t have plugins, syntax, etc, use C:Program FilesVimvim72. PowerShell works for sure. cmd.exe might not. May need to start PowerShell/CMD as Administrator to get it to install.
People who have worked on this Vim configuration are:
Joshua Timberman Email: [email protected]
AJ Christensen Email: [email protected]
Adam Jacob Email: [email protected]
Original: Bram Moolenaar <[email protected]> Last change: 2002 Sep 19