Console tool which generates html/eml stuff for your newsletters from html-files (support images in separate files)
Show inline help:
General help: html2mail help
Hel for send
command: html2mail send --help
Convert html with images to .eml
html2mail convert /path/to/newsletter.html
or all html files at once:
html2mail convert /path/to/*.html
Save "premailed" HTML files (convert css to inline styles):
html2mail prepare /path/to/*.html
Send test emails and use stored config for SMTP server:
html2mail [email protected] --smtp_password=princess1 send /path/to/newsletters/*.html --to [email protected] --subj='Test mail'
Init SMTP config:
WARNING: Password stored as plain text in config file
file in $HOME for Linux
html2mail [email protected] --smtp_password=princess1 initconfig
Send test emails and use stored config for SMTP server:
html2mail send /path/to/newsletters/*.html --to [email protected]
Send newsletter.html to all adresses from list.txt:
html2mail bulksend -l list.txt newsletter.html
- ActionMailer
- premailer
- nokogiri
MIT License