This Git repository contains Dockerfiles for automated builds of Docker images that are hosted as boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc on DockerHub.
The images are equipped with software for creating static sites from Asciidoc files using Jekyll and AsciiDoctor.
The boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc-images are build upon Jekyll’s official Docker image (jekyll/jekyll). Changes in the following DockerHub repositories trigger an automated build of the images:
The tags used by boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc resemble the version of the installed jekyll-asciidoc release.
: For latest versions see jekyll-asciidoc and pygments.rb
The Docker images are hosted as boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc on DockerHub. Thus, you can pull an image by using the following terminal command:
docker pull boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc
If you store the sources for a webpage on GitLab and you want to deploy it to GitLab pages, you can easily make use of shared runners provided by GitLab (see the documentation in the README of jekyll-asciidoc). If shared runners are to slow and/or you don’t want to install all dependencies each time you run a build, you can use boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc to set up a GitLab runner on your own machine. The advantage is that boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc is already equipped with (all) dependencies required to build webpages from Asciidoc content.
The following section shows you how to setup a GitLab runner in a Docker-container that in addition uses Docker (with a container from the lastest image of boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc) as an executor. Also refer to the installation guide on GitLab for additional options.
Start a GitLab container using the official Docker image for GitLab runners (gitlab/gitlab-runner). Here I use the Alpine Linux based image because of its small footprint.
sudo docker run \ -d \ --name myRunner \ --restart always \ -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine
Open a shell to the running container and start the runner configuration:
sudo docker exec \ -ti \ myRunner \ gitlab-runner register
Follow the installation instructions. This example uses settings for a project hosted on GitLab. Therefore the gitlab-ci coordinator URL is
Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g. Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner: [FIXME: Enter the 'Runner token' from your project settings.] Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner: [############]: Runner on machine ABC in office XYZ Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated): docker,jekyll-asciidoc,asciidoctor,jekyll,alpine Registering runner... succeeded runner=[########] Please enter the executor: docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine, docker, docker-ssh, parallels, shell, ssh, virtualbox: docker Please enter the default Docker image (eg. ruby:2.1): boekhoff/jekyll-asciidoc
DONE. The configuration of the runner is stored in: