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SMR API build GitHub release (latest SemVer) codecov GitHub go.mod Go version

The Satisfactory Mod Repository backend API


If you are under Linux, you will need to install the following packages (or your distro's equivalent):

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential libpng-dev

You will also need to generate the GQL server and REST docs via:

go generate -x -tags tools ./...

To start the API, execute:

go run cmd/api/serve.go


Running the API has a lot of pre-requisites.

To run the API, you will need to have a working Postgres, Redis and Storage. There is a dev composefile that you can start via:

docker compose up -d

It is suggested you create a configuration file at config.json (but you can also use environment variables).

Main configuration options:

  1. Postgres (started with dev composefile)
  2. Redis (started with dev composefile)
  3. B2 or S3 (or anything S3-compatible e.g. minio (started with dev composefile))
  4. GitHub OAuth (
  5. Google OAuth (
  6. Facebook OAuth (
  7. Paseto keys (generated via go run cmd/paseto/main.go)
  8. Frontend URL (needed for Google OAuth, otherwise can be ignored)
  9. VirusTotal API key (

The config format can be seen in config/config.go (each dot means a new level of nesting).

After startup requires the following minio commands to be executed:

mc alias set local http://localhost:9000 minio minio123
mc admin user svcacct add local minio --access-key REPLACE_ME_KEY --secret-key REPLACE_ME_SECRET
mc anonymous set public local/smr


Before contributing, please run the linter to ensure the code is clean and well-formed:

golangci-lint run

For some simple formatting issues you can use the --fix flag, but for more complex issues you will need to fix the code:

golangci-lint run --fix