This library allows you to use your build-in or external webcam directly from Java. It's designed to abstract commonly used camera features and support various capturing frameworks.
Assume a situation when your code depends on some capturing framework, but suddenly you have to drop it and use a different, maybe newer one (e.g. replace archaic JMF with newest GStreamer). By doing this you will have to rewrite significant piece of your code because these frameworks are completely different and not compatible at all. This is where Webcam Capture API comes to save the world - it was created to remove the burden of such situations so you do not have to rewrite your code ever again, but instead you can simply switch the driver class to different one.
- Simple, thread-safe and non-blocking API,
- No additional software required,
- Supports multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc) and various architectures (32-bit, 64-bit, ARM),
- Get images from build-in or USB-connected PC webcams,
- Get images from IP / network cameras (as MJPEG or JPEG),
- Offers ready to use motion detector,
- All required JARs Available in Maven Central,
- Offers possibility to expose images as MJPEG stream,
- It is available as Maven dependency or standalone ZIP binary (with all dependencies included),
- Swing component to display video feed from camera,
- Swing component to choose camera (drop down),
- Multiple capturing frameworks are supported:
- OpenIMAJ;
- Java Media Framework (JMF);
- Freedom for Media in Java (FMJ);
- OpenCV via JavaCV;
- VLC via vlcj;
- V4L via v4l4j;
- GStreamer (0.10.x only) via gstreamer-java;
- FFmpeg;
- MJPEG IP Cameras;
- Raspicam via Cli;
The latest stable version is: 0.3.12
The latest development version is: 0.3.13-SNAPSHOT
(and other ARM devices)
The latest version (0.3.10) does not work on ARM just out of the box. To make it working you need to replace version 0.6.2 of BridJ JAR by the 0.6.3-SNAPSHOT or newer bridj-0.7-20140918. Moreover, lately Jonathon Hare from OpenIMAJ team, found a problem described in bridj #525 which causes problems on armhf architecture.
The latest stable version is available in Maven Central:
Snapshot version:
<id>Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository</id>
The newest stable version can be downloaded as separated ZIP binary. This ZIP file contains Webcam Capture API itself and all required dependencies (in libs
directory). Click on the below link to download it:
The latest development version JAR (aka SNAPSHOT) can be downloaded here.
If you have strong will, spare time, knowledge or even some small amount of money you would like to spent for good purpose you can help developing this awesome Webcam Capture API and make it even better! Several kinds of contributions are very welcome:
If you think this project is great, you would like to help, but you don't know how - you can become project's stargazer. By starring you're making project more popular. Visit this link if you would like to learn more about how notifications and stars works on Github.
If you've found a bug or you've came-up with some fantastic feature which can make Webcam Capture a better API to use, don't hesitate to create new issue where you can describe in details what the problem is, or what would you like to improve.
Since Webcam Capture use some part of native code, it's very hard to cover all supported operating systems. I'm always testing it on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux, Windows XP and Vista (both 32-bit), but I have no possibility to test on Raspberry Pi, Mac OS and 32-bit Linux. Please help and test on those systems if you have such possibility.
If you know Java or C++ you can help developing Webcam Capture by forking repository and sending pull requests. Please visit this link if you don't know how to contribute to other's code at Github.
People have expressed a wish to donate a little money. Donating won't get you anything special, other than a warm feeling inside, and possibly urge me to produce more freely available material for Webcam Capture project. You can donate via PayPal, just click donate button available below - it will redirect you to the secured PayPal page where you can provide donation amount (there is no minimal value).
Code below will capture image from your default webcam and save it in hello-world.png
Webcam webcam = Webcam.getDefault();;
ImageIO.write(webcam.getImage(), "PNG", new File("hello-world.png"));
Below are the very pretty basic examples demonstrating of how Webcam Capture API can be used in the Java code. All can be found in the project source code. Please note that some of those examples may use the newest API which has not yet been released to maven Central. In such a case please make sure you are using the newest Webcam Capture API SNAPSHOT.
- How to detect webcam
- How to take picture and save to file
- How to display image from webcam in Swing panel (basic)
- How to display image from webcam in Swing panel (more advanced)
- How to listen on camera connection / disconnection events
- How to configure capture resolution
- How to configure non-standard capture resolution (e.g. HD720)
- How to save captured image in PNG / JPG / GIF / BMP etc
- How to capture with many parallel threads
- How to detect motion (text mode only)
- How to detect motion with Do-Not-Engage zone
- How to perform multipoint motion detection
- How to display images from multiple IP cameras exposing pictures in JPG format
- How to display image from IP camera exposing MJPEG stream
- How to use composite driver to display both, build-in and IP camera images
- How to work with Raspberry Pi (camera module or UVC device)
- How to flip (mirror) image displayed in
- How to rotate image displayed in
- How to rotate image from camera with
- How to use AdaptiveSizeWriter to compress images
- How to use Webcam Capture with DroidCam application (smartphone working as IP camera)
And here are some more advanced examples, few with quite fancy GUI.
- How to detect and mark human faces
- How to use
with theJFrame
window - How to use webcam capture in Java Applet
- How to use
interface to draw effects onWebcamPanel
component - How to read QR / DataMatrix and Bar codes (2 examples)
- How to record video from webcam using Xuggler framework (deprecated)
- How to record video from webcam using Humble Video framework
- How to transcode webcam images into live h264 stream
- How to use Webcam Capture API in JavaFX
- How to use Webcam Capture API in JavaFX and FXML
- How to use Webcam Capture API as JavaFX Service and View
- How to use Webcam Capture API in SWT
- How to use
to draw effects directly on image from camera - How to use Webcam Capture API and WebSockets to transport images from server to web client
- How to use Webcam Capture API from Akka
Video series by Genuine Coder for Webcam Capture beginners:
- Java Webcam Capture #1: Introduction and Capturing with 3 lines of code
- Java Webcam Capture #2: Take Images with Different Resolutions
- Java Webcam Capture #3: Video Feed from Webcam using Thread
- Java Webcam Capture #4: Video Feed from Webcam (Easy Way)
Webcam Capture API defines WebcamDriver
interface which has been already implemented in several capturing drivers build on top of well-known frameworks used to work with multimedia and cameras. Complete list can be found below.
By default (if other driver is not specified) library uses default driver which consists of small, refined part of awesome OpenIMAJ framework wrapped in thread-safe container. However, there are more ready-to-use drivers which can be used as a replacement or addition to the default one. By utilizing those drivers Webcam Capture can be extended with various new features (e.g. IP camera support).
List of additional capture drivers includes:
Driver Name | Stable | Central | Description |
ipcam | yes | yes | Driver for IP / network camera |
fswebcam | yes | yes | Driver for FSWebcam CLI tool |
gstreamer | yes | yes | Driver for GStreamer framework |
openimaj | yes | yes | Driver for OpenIMAJ framework |
v4l4j | yes | no | Driver for V4L4j library |
jmf | yes | yes | Driver for JMF / FMJ frameworks |
lti-civil | yes | yes | Driver for LTI-CIVIL library |
vlcj | yes | yes | Driver for vlcj library |
javacv | yes | yes | Driver for JavaCV library |
ffmpeg-cli | poc | no | Driver for FFmpeg CLI tool |
raspicam | poc | no | Driver for Raspicam CLI PIcam tool |
- Central = available in Maven Central Repository
- poc = Proof of Concept
If no other driver is specified, the default driver will be used. It consists of small, refined part of awesome OpenIMAJ framework wrapped in thread-safe container.
This capture driver gives possibility to access IP camera devices and handle images in form of JPEG pictures or MJPEG streams.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new IpCamDriver());
More details and binaries download can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-ipcam page.
This capture driver gives possibility to use CLI tool called fswebcam
(written by Philip Heron) to access UVC devices connected to the computer. It works only on *nix and requires tool to be installed on the environment where driver is used.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new FsWebcamDriver());
More details on how to use, how to install fswebcam
and where binaries can be downloaed, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-fswebcam page.
This capture driver gives possibility to use GStreamer to access UVC camera devices connected to computer. It works on Windows and Linux only.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new GStreamerDriver());
More details on how to use, how to install GStreamer and where binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-gstreamer page.
This capture driver gives possibility to use OpenIMAJ to access UVC camera devices connected to the computer.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new OpenImajDriver());
More details on how to use it and where binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-openimaj page.
This is capture driver which uses V4L4j project to access UVC camera devices. It works on Linux only and it seems like it is most suitable for use on Raspberry Pi.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new V4l4jDriver());
More details on how to use it and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-v4l4j page.
This is capture driver which uses JMF (Java Media Framework) to access UVC webcam devices. The JMF needs to be installed and configured on the PC before this driver can be used. It can also be used alternatively with the FMJ project.
Maven dependency:
How to use:
Webcam.setDriver(new JmfDriver());
More details on how to use it, install, and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-jmf page.
This is capture driver designed to leverage capabilities of LTI-CIVIL project (by Larson Technologies Inc.) and use it to access wide range of UVC devices. It works on 32-bit architectures only.
Maven dependency:
How to use it:
Webcam.setDriver(new LtiCivilDriver());
More details on how to use it, and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-lti-civil page.
This is capture driver which uses VLCj library from Caprica Software Limited to gain access to the UVC camera device.
Maven dependency:
How to use it:
Webcam.setDriver(new VlcjDriver());
More details on how to use it, how to install, and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-vlcj page.
This is capture driver which uses JavaCV binding for OpenCV to gain access to the UVC camera device.
Maven dependency:
or if you are using webcam-capture < 0.3.12:
If you only target specific platforms take a look at Reducing the Number of Dependencies.
How to use it:
Webcam.setDriver(new JavaCvDriver());
More details on how to use it, how to install, and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-javacv page.
This is capture driver which uses ffmpeg
CLI tool from FFmpeg to access UVC camera device.
Maven dependency:
How to use it:
Webcam.setDriver(new FFmpegCliDriver());
More details on how to use it, how to install, and where necessary binaries can be downloaded, can be found on dedicated webcam-capture-driver-ffmpeg-cli page.
I initially started working on Webcam Capture as a simple proof-of-concept after I read Andrew Davison's fantastic book entitled Killer Game Programming (which is also available online). Thank you Andrew! Later I found that there is a complete mess in Java APIs allowing you to capture images from webcams. Once you choose specific API you cannot change it without modifying large parts of the code. I decided to change this situation and write general purpose wrapper for various different APIs (like JMF, OpenCV, OpenIMAJ, LTI-CIVIL, VLC). In such a way, Webcam Capture as we know it today, was brought to life. Today you can change underlying frameworks just by replacing webcam driver (one line code change). If there is no driver for particular framework, it's very easy to write it yourself.
Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Bartosz Firyn ( and contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.