This package implements a client to provide basic data exchange capabilities using the SAMP protocol. This allows to easily send and receive tabular data to VO applications such as Topcat or Aladin.
It provides two Classes:
Client : Python object that is a proxy to send and receive data from/to applications
Hub : Samp hub that is required to manage the communications between VO applications
Note this has only been tested in Client mode, using the Hub already created by Topcat.
Note exchange data is saved as fits files in the directory $HOME/tempo/samptables, which is wiped when a client class object is instanciated
- sampy : to provide samp access
- astropy.tables : to provide fits input/ouput of tables
# (Start Topcat!)
from sampc import Client
c = Client()
arr = np.random.random([100,3])
# RECEIVE A TABLE (first broadcast SomeTable.fits from Topcat)
data = c['SomeTable.fits']
# RECEIVE ROWS (first broadcast some rows or a subset in Topcat)
For further examples see documentation for class Client
Modifications by E. Donoso, mainly to use astropy.tables, bug fixes when receiving multiple rows, and other convenience functions. Original client by M. Fouesneau (