Geospatial innovator, open-source advocate, and community builder. Founder of the Awesome Google Earth Engine Community Catalog, the largest community-driven geospatial dataset hub. CEO of Spatial Bytes, driving cutting-edge geospatial solutions. Formerly at Planet Labs and Maxar, leading product and API innovations. Google Developer Expert for Earth Engine and advisor to NSF NEON, committed to expanding open data access and empowering global geospatial communities.
Research Scientist and Senior Geospatial Engineer at the Desert Research Institute. Affiliate Faculty at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and Designated Campus Colleague at the University of Arizona. Passionate about community building, my research explores big data analysis and geospatial applications, while I advocate for science communication and empower researchers through collaborative platforms and speaking engagements.
- How and Awesome GEE Community Catalog are Expanding Open Geospatial Commons
- Behind the Scenes: The Role of NSF’s Jetstream2 in Building the Awesome GEE Community Catalog
- From Paper to Pixels- Rediscovering Historical USGS Topo Maps in the Google Earth Engine Community…
- Community-Enhanced: Google Earth Engine Community Catalog Upgrades
- Google Cloud Projects and Earth Engine Integration in Universities: A Practical Guide
Google Earth Engine: awesome-gee-community-catalog | geeadd: Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager & addons | ee-appshot: Snapshot of Earth Engine Apps | geeup: Simple CLI for Earth Engine Uploads | cogee: Simple CLI for COG registration in GEE | Earth Engine dataset list |
Open Oceans tools: pycoral: Simple CLI for Allen Coral Atlas | pyspotter: Simple CLI for SofarOcean API for spotters | pyaqua: Simple Command Line Interface Tool for API | argofloats: Simple CLI for ArgoVis and Argofloats | gfw: Simple CLI for Global Fishing Watch Data
Science platform tools : appeears: Simple CLI for NASA AppEEARS API | geneutils: NCBI Blast hit tools | pynative: Simple CLI for | ArcticDEM: Batch search and download tools
Standalone tools : nsfsearch: NSF award search tool | spotifind: Spotify tool to generate playlists | imgurfy: Simple CLI for Imgur | pydrop: Simple client for digital ocean | ghome: Simple CLI for Google Home & Mini
If you find my work useful buy me a cup of tea to make these efforts more sustainable. Use the donate or sponsor buttons, I am happy to have you as a sponsor of my work
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- 🗣 Commented on #45 in ErugoOSS/Erugo
- 🔒 Closed issue #45 in ErugoOSS/Erugo
- 🗣 Commented on #45 in ErugoOSS/Erugo
- 🗣 Commented on #45 in ErugoOSS/Erugo
- 🗣 Commented on #45 in ErugoOSS/Erugo