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Interactive Lisp IDE with REPL, Inspector, Debugger and more for Sublime Text 4.


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Slyblime is Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE for Sublime Text 4:

Slyblime is an implementation of SLY and uses the same backend (SLYNK).

Currently it includes:

  • REPL integration including backtracking
  • Autocomplete and documentation
  • References, disassembly, macroexpansion etc.
  • Inspection support
  • Tracing support
  • Compilation support with notes
  • Multiple connexions
  • Debugger including stack frame inspection

The main features missing are the ability to open a Lisp process directly from the editor and stickers.

As a workaround, you can run Sly: Path to bundled copy of Slynk and then lisp --load path that was pasted to the clipboard in the terminal to quickly start a lisp process on the default port.


To connect to a Slynk instance run Sly: Connect to slynk using the command palette. Make sure to use the included Lisp+ syntax for all the features to work correctly.


First install SublimeREPL. Either download the file and unzip it in ST's packages folder or just use Package Control to install it. [not avaliable just yet]




Open an issue or a pull request.