- What: A series of IPython Notebooks on exploring Unidata technology with Python for the 2014 Unidata Training Workshop.
- When: <2014-10-21 Tue>–<2014-10-22 Wed>
- Where: UCAR Foothills Lab 4, Room 1201
For these IPython Notebooks we will be using a Python environment with the following libraries installed:
The easiest way to install these libraries is with conda. First install the conda package manager. Then,
conda config --add channels https://conda.binstar.org/rsignell
conda config --add channels https://conda.binstar.org/Unidata
conda create -n workshop python=2 numpy matplotlib cartopy ipython ipython-notebook netcdf4 owslib pyudl networkx basemap
source activate workshop
git clone https://github.com/Unidata/unidata-python-workshop.git
cd unidata-python-workshop
ipython notebook
Section | IPyNB or Markdown | Presenter | Length | Time | |
1 | Continental breakfast | 0:30 | 08:00:00 | ||
2 | Introductions and overview | Ethan | 0:25 | 08:30:00 | |
3 | Setup w/ conda and github | setup.md | All | 0:25 | 08:55:00 |
4 | IPython notebook introduction (including 2.0) | ipython-notebook | Ward | 0:40 | 09:20:00 |
5 | Break | 0:20 | 10:00:00 | ||
6 | Numpy with intro to matplotlib | numpy | Ryan | 1:30 | 10:20:00 |
7 | Lunch on your own | 1:15 | 11:50:00 | ||
8 | Introduction to netCDF | intro_netCDF | Russ | 0:55 | 13:05:00 |
9 | Reading netCDF | reading_netCDF | Jeff W. | 1:00 | 14:00:00 |
10 | Break | 0:10 | 15:00:00 | ||
11 | Geoscience visualization with matplotlib/cartopy | matplotlib | Ryan | 1:15 | 15:10:00 |
12 | Writing netCDF | writing_netCDF | Jeff W. | 0:45 | 16:25:00 |
13 | End of day 1 | 17:10:00 |
Section | IPyNB or Markdown | Presenter | Length | Time | |
1 | Continental breakfast | 0:30 | 08:00:00 | ||
2 | Reproducible Science webex | Rich S. | 0:50 | 08:30:00 | |
3 | Conda/Binstar | conda_binstar.md | Julien | 0:50 | 09:20:00 |
4 | Break | 0:10 | 10:10:00 | ||
5 | Point observations w/ TDS | ncss | Sean | 0:50 | 10:20:00 |
6 | Exploring WMS (w/ ncWMS extensions) | wms_sample | Sean | 0:50 | 11:10:00 |
7 | Lunch on your own | 1:00 | 12:00:00 | ||
8 | Accessing radar composites | CompositeRadar | Ryan | 0:45 | 13:00:00 |
9 | git version control for science | git.md | Julien | 0:50 | 13:45:00 |
10 | Open discussion. Play w/ your data. Wrap up | All | 2:00 | 14:35:00 | |
11 | End of day 2 | 16:35:00 |
From the Unidata page, go to the “2014 Training Workshop” page by selecting “Events” -> “2014 Training Workshop” from the menu. Click on the “Give us your Feedback” link to get to the survey.
Note: Please feel free to use the survey at any time during the class (and as often as you like) as comments come to mind.