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Sequenced Brainwave Generator - a fork of the SBaGen (Sequenced Binaural Beat Generator)


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SBaGen+ - Sequenced Brainwave Generator

SBaGen+ is a command-line tool for generating binaural beats and isochronic tones, designed to assist with meditation, relaxation, and altering states of consciousness.

Table of Contents

About This Project

SBaGen+ is a fork of the original SBaGen (Sequenced Binaural Beat Generator) created by Jim Peters. The original project has not been maintained for many years, and this fork aims to keep it functional on modern systems while preserving its original structure. Updates focus on compatibility fixes and minor feature additions requested by longtime users, without major refactoring of the original code.

The name has been changed from “Sequenced Binaural Beat Generator” to “Sequenced Brainwave Generator” to better reflect its expanded functionality. Since SBaGen+ now supports isochronic tones in addition to binaural beats, the original name no longer fully represented its capabilities.

Features and Bug Fixes

  • All features of original SBaGen
  • Added support for ALSA output device (Linux)
  • Added build scripts for Linux native ARM64/AArch64
  • Isochronic tone generation (works with or without headphones)
  • White noise and brown noise generation
  • Support for Apple Silicon (ARM64) and Intel (x86_64)
  • Fixed bug with WAV file duration when using -W option with sequence files
  • Added validation for total amplitude to prevent audio distortion when exceeding 100%


SBaGen+ can be compiled for macOS, Linux and Windows. The build process is divided into two steps:

  1. Building the libraries: This step is only necessary if you want MP3 and OGG support
  2. Building the main program: This step compiles SBaGen+ using the libraries built in the previous step

Build Scripts Structure

  • Library build scripts:

    • Builds libraries for macOS (universal binary - ARM64 + x86_64)
    • Builds libraries for Linux (32-bit, 64-bit, ARM64 [if native])
    • Builds libraries for Windows using MinGW (cross-compilation)
  • Main program build scripts:

    • Builds SBaGen+ for macOS (universal binary - ARM64 + x86_64)
    • Builds SBaGen+ for Linux (32-bit, 64-bit, ARM64 [if native])
    • Builds SBaGen+ for Windows using MinGW (cross-compilation)

Option 1: Using Docker Compose (Simplest Method)

The easiest way to build SBaGen+ for Linux and Windows is using Docker Compose:

# Build all Linux and Windows binaries with a single command
docker compose up build

# Build for Linux ARM64
docker compose up build-arm64

This will automatically build the Docker image and run all necessary build scripts to generate the binaries for Linux and Windows. All compiled binaries will be placed in the dist directory.

Option 2: Building Natively

If you prefer to build without Docker, you can use the build scripts directly on your system, provided you have all the necessary dependencies installed.

Building for macOS
# Build the libraries (only needed for MP3 and OGG support)

# Build SBaGen+

After compilation, you'll find the universal binary (works on both Intel and Apple Silicon) in the dist directory:

  • sbagen+-macos-universal
Building for Linux
# Build the libraries (only needed for MP3 and OGG support)

# Build SBaGen+
Building for Windows (cross-compilation on Linux/macOS)
# Build the libraries (only needed for MP3 and OGG support)

# Build SBaGen+


You can either compile SBaGen+ from source as described above or download pre-built binaries from the releases page.

Download Pre-built Binaries

The latest release (v1.5.2) can be downloaded directly from the following links:

Important: Always verify the SHA256 checksum of downloaded binaries against those listed on the releases page to ensure file integrity and security.

Installing on Linux

  1. Download the appropriate binary for your system:

    # For 64-bit systems
    # For 32-bit systems
    # For ARM64 systems
  2. Verify the SHA256 checksum:

    sha256sum sbagen+-linux64  # Replace with your downloaded file
    # Compare the output with the checksum on the releases page
  3. Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x sbagen+-linux64  # Replace with your downloaded file
  4. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH:

    sudo mv sbagen+-linux64 /usr/local/bin/sbagen+  # Replace with your downloaded file
  5. Verify the installation:

    sbagen+ -h

Installing on macOS

  1. Download the macOS universal binary:

    curl -L -o sbagen+-macos-universal
  2. Verify the SHA256 checksum:

    shasum -a 256 sbagen+-macos-universal
    # Compare the output with the checksum on the releases page
  3. Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x sbagen+-macos-universal
  4. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH:

    sudo mv sbagen+-macos-universal /usr/local/bin/sbagen+
  5. Verify the installation:

    sbagen+ -h

Installing on Windows

  1. Download the appropriate binary for your system from the releases page:

  2. Verify the SHA256 checksum (using PowerShell):

    Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 .\sbagen+-win64.exe  # Replace with your downloaded file
    # Compare the output with the checksum on the releases page
  3. Create a directory for the application (if it doesn't exist):

    mkdir -Force "C:\Program Files\sbagen+"
  4. Move the executable to this directory:

    Move-Item .\sbagen+-win64.exe "C:\Program Files\sbagen+\sbagen+.exe"  # Replace with your downloaded file
  5. Add the directory to your system PATH:

    # Add to system PATH (requires administrator privileges)
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\sbagen+", "Machine")
    # Refresh the current PowerShell session's PATH
    $env:Path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine")
  6. Verify the installation:

    sbagen+ -h

Basic Usage

After installation, you can use SBaGen+ from the command line. If you've installed it to your PATH as suggested, you can simply use the sbagen+ command. Otherwise, you'll need to specify the path to the executable.

# Play a simple sequence with brown noise
sbagen+ -i brown/80 200@10/08

# Play a simple sequence with white noise
sbagen+ -i white/20 200@10/08

# Play a simple sequence with pink noise
sbagen+ -i pink/80 200@10/08

# Play with an MP3 background file
sbagen+ -m background.mp3 -i mix/80 200@10/08

# Play with an OGG background file
sbagen+ -m background.ogg -i mix/80 200@10/08

If you're running the executable directly from the dist directory without installing it, use the appropriate binary for your system:

# For Linux 64-bit
./dist/sbagen+-linux64 -i brown/80 200@10/08

# For macOS
./dist/sbagen+-macos-universal -i brown/80 200@10/08

# For Windows 64-bit
.\dist\sbagen+-win64.exe -i brown/80 200@10/08

See for more information on how to use SBaGen+.


For detailed information on all features, see the SBAGEN+.txt file.


SBaGen+ is distributed under the GPL license. See the COPYING.txt file for details.


Original SBaGen was developed by Jim Peters. See SBaGen project.

ALSA support is based from this patch.