This is a helm chart for the viseron application.
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add viseron
If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update
to retrieve
the latest versions of the package. You can then run helm search repo viseron -l
to see the different versions of the chart.
To install/upgrade the viseron chart:
helm -n my-viseron-namespace upgrade --create-namespace --install --values "my-viseron-values.yaml" my-viseron viseron/viseron
To uninstall the chart:
helm -n my-viseron-namespace delete my-viseron
There are key sections in your values.yaml
file that you will want to define.
In order to configure the volumes for the configuration and the data use the following properties:
config: # Where the configuration file, database, etc is stored
size: 5Gi
segments: # Where the recordings (video segments) are stored
size: 10Gi
snapshots: # Where the snapshots from object detection, motion detection, etc are stored
size: 10Gi
thumbnails: # Where the thumbnails for recordings triggered by trigger_event_recording are stored
size: 2Gi
eventclips: # Where the event clips created by create_event_clip are stored
size: 5Gi
If you want to use VAAPI, your values.yaml
will need to define the dri
mount point and allow viseron to run with privileges to access the DRI device.
privileged: true
- name: dev-dri
path: /dev/dri
- name: dev-dri
mountPath: /dev/dri
If you want to use Google Edge TPU, your values.yaml
will need to have this instead:
privileged: true
- name: dev-usb
path: /dev/bus/usb
- name: dev-usb
mountPath: /dev/bus/usb
For more details please visit the viseron documentation