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Continuous integration scripts.


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Continuous integration scripts

This repo contains:

  • reusable GitHub workflows (.github/workflows)
  • custom GitHub actions (actions)
  • Digital Ocean serverless functions (packages/functions)
  • scripts for managing issues and pull requests (scripts)

Typical event handling call stack, e.g. for rocd repo:

  1. GitHub generates event in rocd (e.g. pull_request_review.submitted).

  2. GitHub invokes webhook, implemented by a digital ocean function in ci (packages/functions/webhook).

  3. Webhook translates event to GitHub repository dispatch call in rocd (e.g. to pull_request_review_submitted).

  4. Repository dispatch triggers some workflow in rocd (e.g. to pr_reviewed.yml).

  5. The workflow in rocd may call reusable workflows from ci to do the actual job (e.g. roc-streaming/ci/.github/workflows/pr_handle_reviewed.yml).

  6. The workflow from ci may, among other things, call custom GitHub actions from ci (e.g. actions/post-comment).

Some explanations:

  • Webhook approach allows to untie automation from pull request checks, run it with different permissions, in different security context and on different branch.

  • Reusable workflows allow to reduce duplication of github actions stuff across different repositories (e.g. roc-toolkit and rocd).

  • Custom actions are primarily used to avoid (or reduce) sharing access tokens with third-party actions. Ideally, for all operations with non-default token, we want to use only official actions by GitHub and custom actions from ci repo.

  • Helper scripts in scripts directory are used both by github actions and by maintainers locally, e.g. to merge pull requests.

Build actions

Build all github actions:

make build_actions

Deploy webhooks

Encrypt secret (for .env file):

echo -n <secret> | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pbkdf2 -pass pass:<key> | tr -d '\n'

Deploy all webhooks:

make deploy_webhooks

Test webhook

Determine webhook URL:

doctl serverless functions get functions/webhook --url

Send request:

echo '{"action": "submitted", "repository": {"full_name": "roc-streaming/rocd"}, "pull_request": {"number": 123}}' | http POST <url> x-github-event:pull_request_review