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Full stack that provides all the tools to store and visualize custom usage statistics using docker


git clone
cd statistics-server
docker-compose up


git pull
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build

docker-compose up --build is needed to force re-build of backend apis container


Set up the MongoDB Charts credentials with:

docker exec -it \
  $(docker container ls --filter name=charts_ -q) \
  charts-cli add-user --first-name "<First>" --last-name "<Last>" \
  --email "<[email protected]>" --password "<Password>" \
  --role "<UserAdmin|User>"

Example creating a default admin user:

docker exec -it \
  $(docker container ls --filter name=charts_ -q) \
  charts-cli add-user --first-name "Admin" --last-name "MongoDB" \
  --email "[email protected]" --password "mongodb" \
  --role "UserAdmin"


When behind a reverse proxy, you have to enable the proxy option in config/app.js. Make sure that your reverse proxy is configured correctly, or the rate limiter can be circumvented. Details can be found at:

Statistics pipeline for "last 24 hours"

By default, one statistics entry per ID and day is created. If your charts should operate on the most recent unique entries, you can add this pipeline to a new data source:

  // Select only the last 24 hours of reports
    $addFields: {
      ts: { $ifNull: ["$ts", "$date"] }
    "$match": {
      "ts": { $gt: new Date( - 24*60*60 * 1000) }
  // And make sure there are no duplicate records (keep last)
  {$sort: {ts: 1}},
    $group: {
      _id: "$id",
      fields: {$last: "$$ROOT"}
  {$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$fields"}},

  // If you want to clean up the data afterwards, you can do that here with $addFields, $set, etc.


Uses an Express server to provide apis to store statistics to MongoDB. The only thing that needs to be configured are the database name, the collections with their unique fields and (optionally) your apis validators. Unique fields are necessary to identify a document uniquely in the DB, validators are required to validate body, headers, query of api requests. This can be done here



Auth protected routes expect an header x-api-token with content <key> where key is the key you have set on config/app.js file.

POST /statistics

Requires AUTH

Used to add statistics to the db. The individual docs are added using upsert, it means that if the document exists in the db it will be updated, otherwise a new doc will be added. The expected payload is:

    "collection": "collectionName", // optional
    "data": [{...}, {...}, ...], // array of documents to add to the collection

If no collection name is provided the default collection will be used: statistics. The default collection has a unique field named id that the user can use to uniquely identify an entry in the collection


Here is a list of projects that are currently using this as stack as base: