This project provides the GitPod development environment with SBT and Scala 3 syntax highlighting. The setup only need the two files
- .gitpod.yml
- Dockerfile
Please read the terms and conditions of GitPod to understand what the concrete offer is. In this section I shall describe shortly the feature that I find at the moment most fascinating and useful to me.
GitPod is a browser based development enviroment and should (hopefully) work in any browser independent of the OS the browser is run on. So for example, one should be able to code on a Chromebook or IPad. It works by giving GitPod the address to a/your Git repo at one of the larger Git hosting services such as GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket (see further down). It will start the development environment in the cloud whose GUI will then be displayed in your browser tab.
Currently, GitPod lets you use the service for 50h a month free, if you are developing in a public Git repository! Public does not mean that anyone can delete or overwrite your code! It only means that it can be viewed and inspected by anyone. Also, for someone who just wants to try things out or maybe learn Scala 50h per month should be enough: If you work on your project every weekday of a month you have two hours per day. Enough for a side project, me thinks. If you pay, you obviously get more. :)
Click this link to start the configuration saved in the master branch of this project. Since you will not be able to push to the master branch of this repo, you will not be able to save changes. You cannot break anything. When you are done, just close the browser tab or the browser window and everything is back to the state is was!
There are two ways to save changes, which we describe further down. You can either
- Create a repo with a supported Git hosting service and push to that new repo, from where the GitPod environment can be conveniently started (preferred), or
- Once started the container, bookmark the resulting URI. GitPod will keep the container around for a while. See the Life of a workspace.
- Create a new personal repo with one of the supported Git hosting services such as github, GitLab or Bitbucket.
You will obtain your Git URI recognisable by its
extension, similar to
. - Start the container using this link
- Open terminal for example by clicking on Terminal -> New Terminal in the menu bar above
- In this terminal issue
git remote set-url origin
- Whenever you create a file, add it with
git add [filepath]
- To save files, first save them with File -> Save All, commit them
git commit -a -m '[here is a message of your choice]'
and then push the commit into the remote Git repository with
git push
Next time you will be able to to start your container directly from the supported Git hosting service by either
- using the bookmarked URI of you GitPod
- or putting[your Git URI]
into your browser bar, skipping steps 1 - 4.
Never forget steps 5. and 6. or else your changes may get lost.