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Tusk is a yaml-based task runner. By creating a tusk.yml in the root of a repository, Tusk becomes a custom command line tool with minimal configuration.

Details on the usage and configuration options can be found in the project documentation.


  • Customizable: Specify your own tasks and options with support for command-line flags, environment variables, conditional logic, and more.
  • Explorable: All the help you need to get started is available straight from the command line. Help documentation is generated dynamically, and support for Bash and Zsh tab completion is available.
  • Accessible: Built for usability with a simple YAML configuration, familiar syntax for passing options, Bash-like variable interpolation, and a colorful terminal output.
  • Zero Dependencies: All you need is a single binary file to get started on Linux, macOS, or Windows.

Getting Started



With Go 1.21+ installed:

go install


On macOS, installation is also available through homebrew:

brew install rliebz/tusk/tusk

With Homebrew, tab completion is installed automatically.

Compiled Releases

The latest version can be downloaded from the releases page.

To install automatically:

curl -sL | bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin latest

To pin to a specific version, replace latest with the tag for that version.

To install to another directory, change the path passed to -b.

Installing Tab Completion

For bash:

tusk --install-completion bash

For fish:

tusk --install-completion fish

For zsh:

tusk --install-completion zsh

Completions can be uninstalled with the --uninstall-completion flag.


Create a tusk.yml file in the root of a project repository:

    usage: Say hello to someone
        usage: A person to say "Hello" to
        default: World
    run: echo "Hello, ${name}!"

As long as there is a tusk.yml file in the working or any parent directory, tasks can be run:

$ tusk greet --name friend
Running: echo "Hello, friend!"
Hello, friend!

Help messages are dynamically generated based on the YAML configuration:

$ tusk --help
tusk - the modern task runner

   tusk [global options] <task> [task options]

   greet  Say hello to someone

Global Options:
   -f, --file <file>  Set file to use as the config file
   -h, --help         Show help and exit

Individual tasks have help messages as well:

$ tusk greet --help
tusk greet - Say hello to someone

   tusk greet [options]

   --name <value>  A person to say "Hello" to

Additional information on the configuration spec can be found in the project documentation.

For more detailed examples, check out the project's own tusk.yml file.


Set-up instructions for a development environment and contribution guidelines can be found in