Restful Api Job Posting app is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data to people that want a job or company that want hire an employee.
Node.js - Download and Install Node.js - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions.
Nodemon - Download and Install Nodemon - nodemon is a tool that automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.
- CRUD Jobs
- CRUD Companies
- Validation schema
- Search job by name
- Sort job by name, company, and date updated
- Pagination
- Upload logo
- Allowed CORS
- Authentication with JWT
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Bcryptjs
- multer
$ git clone
$ cd Job-Posting-App
$ npm install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ nano .env
PORT = 'port for express'
DB_HOST = 'your_db_host'
DB_USER = 'your_db_user'
DB_PASSWORD = 'your_password_db'
DB_NAME = 'database_name'
DB_PORT = ''
$ npm start
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Param | Request Body | Request Query |
GET | /job | Get jobs | - | - | name : STRING, company : STRING,limit : NUMBER, page : NUMBER, sortby : STRING,orderby : STRING |
GET | /job:id | Get one job by id | id : STRING (UUID) |
- | - |
POST | /job | Create new job | - | name : STRING,location : STRING,salary :STRING,description : STRING ,category_id : STRING, compant_id :STRING |
- |
PATCH | /job:id | Update job | id : STRING (UUID) |
name : STRING,location : STRING,salary :STRING,description : STRING ,category_id : STRING, compant_id :STRING |
- |
DELETE | /job:id | Delete job | id : STRING (UUID) |
- | - |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Param | Request Body |
GET | /company | Get company | - | - |
GET | /company/:id | Get one company | id : STRING (UUID) |
- |
POST | /companiy | Create new company | - | name : STRING,location : STRING,logo : STRING (IMAGE),description : STRING |
PATCH | /company/:id | Update company | id : STRING (UUID) |
name : STRING,location : STRING,logo : STRING (IMAGE),description : STRING |
DELETE | /company/:id | Delete company | id : STRING (UUID) |
- |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Param | Request Body |
GET | /categories | Get category | - | - |
GET | /categories/:id | Get one category | id : INT |
- |
POST | /categories | Create new category | - | category : STRING |
PATCH | /categories/:id | Update category | id : INT |
category : STRING |
DELETE | /categories/:id | Delete category | id : INT |
- |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Param | Request Body | Request Headers |
GET | /user | Get all user | id : STRING (UUID) |
- | - |
GET | /user/:id | Get one user | id : STRING (UUID) |
- | - |
PATCH | /user/:id | Get one user | id : STRING (UUID) |
email : STRING, password : STRING |
bearer : token |
DELETE | /user/:id | Get one user | id : STRING (UUID) |
- | - |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Headers | Request Body |
POST | /user/login/ | Login user | - | email : STRING, password : STRING |
POST | /user/signup/ | Register user | - | email : STRING, password : STRING |
For API support, please contact me FakhrurR
Copyright © 2019 by Fakhrur Rijal