This is a fork of the node-cloudflare-r2 wrapper by @f2face, designed to provide a user-friendly and efficient way to interact with Cloudflare R2 API in Node.js
npm install @rivo-gg/cloudflare-r2
pnpm add @rivo-gg/cloudflare-r2
yarn add @rivo-gg/cloudflare-r2
It is highly recommended that you use a specific version number in your installation to anticipate any breaking changes that may occur in future releases. For example:
npm install @rivo-gg/[email protected].
pnpm add @rivo-gg/[email protected]
yarn add @rivo-gg/[email protected]
Check the latest version number in the release page.
import { R2 } from "@rivo-gg/cloudflare-r2";
// Initialize R2
const r2 = new R2({
accountId: "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>",
accessKeyId: "<YOUR_R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
secretAccessKey: "<YOUR_R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
// Initialize bucket instance
const bucket = r2.bucket("<BUCKET_NAME>");
// [Optional] Provide the public URL(s) of your bucket, if its public access is allowed.
// Check if the bucket exists
console.log(await bucket.exists()); // true
const upload = await bucket.uploadFile(
objectKey: 'destination_file_name.ext',
uri: 'destination_file_name.ext',
publicUrl: 'https://pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.r2.dev/destination_file_name.ext',
publicUrls: ['https://pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.r2.dev/destination_file_name.ext'],
etag: '',
versionId: '',
// Generate signed link that expires after 3600 seconds.
const signedUrl = await bucket.getObjectSignedUrl(
// Upload text content
const content = "Lorem ipsum";
const uploadContent = await bucket.upload(content, "lorem-ipsum.txt");
import { createReadStream } from "fs";
// Upload from fs.createReadStream()
const stream = createReadStream("/path/to/file");
const uploadStream = await bucket.upload(stream, "destination_file_name2.ext");
This bucket.uploadStream()
method allows uploading big file or piping stream or stdout directly to your bucket (using multipart upload internally).
// Let's say, you want to record a live stream and pipe it directly to your bucket.
import { spawn } from "child_process";
const streamlink = spawn("streamlink", [
const uploadLiveStreamVideo = await bucket.uploadStream(