Framework and platform to integrate services with Telegram using the official Telegram Bot API
ℹ️ Individual integration repos are located at
Just use these links to add bots to your Telegram
GitHub – GitHub bot was developed by Igor Zhukov and it is not part of Integram
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- Prerequisites :
- You will need docker and docker-compose installed
- Create your Telegram bot(s) by talking to @BotFather
- Clone the repo:
git clone && cd integram
- Check the
file for the required ENV vars for each service-
E.g. in order to run the Trello integration you will need to export:
INTEGRAM_BASE_URL – the base URL where your Integram host will be accessible, e.g.
INTEGRAM_PORT – if set to 443 Integram will use ssl.key/ssl.cert at /go/.conf.
- For Let's Encrypt:
has to befullchain.pem
, notcert.pem
This directory is mounted on your host machine. Just get the path and put these files inside
## Get the path of config directory on the host machine docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' integram_data-mainapp
- For Let's Encrypt:
TRELLO_BOT_TOKEN – your bot's token you got from @BotFather
You will need to get your own OAuth credentials from Trello
For more detailed info about other services you should check the corresponding repo at
- Export the variables you identified in the previous step, for instance on linux this should be something like:
export INTEGRAM_PORT=xxxx
export ...
- Now you can run the services (linux: careful if you need to sudo this, the exports you just did will not be available) :
docker-compose -p integram up trello gitlab ## Here you specify the services you want to run
- Or in background mode (add
docker-compose -p integram up -d trello gitlab
- You should now see Integram's startup logs in your console
- In Telegram, you can now start your bots (
) and follow their directions, configure them using/settings
- Some useful commands:
## Check the containers status
docker ps
## Fetch logs for main container
docker logs -f $(docker ps -aqf "name=integram_integram")
- To update Integram to the latest version:
## Fetch last version of images
docker-compose pull integram trello gitlab
## Restart containers using the new images
docker-compose -p integram up -d trello gitlab
First you need to install all requirements: Go 1.9+, Go dep, MongoDB 3.4+ (for data), Redis 3.2+ (for jobs queue)
Then, using this template create the
file and put it insrc/integram/
inside your preferred working directory (e.g./var/integram/src/integram/main.go
## set the GOPATH to the absolute path of directory containing 'src' directory that you have created before
export GOPATH=/var/integram
cd $GOPATH/src/integram
## install dependencies
dep init
- Specify the required ENV variables – check the Docker way section
- Run it
go build integram && ./integram
Dependencies are specified in Gopkg.toml
and fetched using Go dep
Feel free to send PRs. If you want to contribute new service integrations, please create an issue first. Just to make sure someone is not already working on it.
- Telegram Bindings
- Gin – HTTP router and framework
- Mgo – MongoDB driver
- Jobs – background jobs
- Logrus – structure logging
Code licensed under GPLV3 license