Demo / StackBlitz Issue Template
npm install ngx-drag-drop --save
Angular directives for declarative drag and drop using the HTML5 Drag-And-Drop API
- sortable lists by using placeholder element (vertical and horizontal)
- nestable
- dropzones optionally support external/native draggables (img, txt, file)
- conditional drag/drop
- typed drag/drop
- utilize EffectAllowed
- custom CSS classes
- touch support by using a polyfill
- AOT compatible
Port of angular-drag-drop-lists but without the lists 😉
This has dropzones
though 👍
The idea is that the directive does not handle lists internally so the dndDropzone
can be general purpose.
<!--a draggable element-->
<div [dndDraggable]=""
<!--if [dndHandle] is used inside dndDraggable drag can only start from the handle-->
<div *ngIf="draggable.handle"
draggable ({{draggable.effectAllowed}}) <span [hidden]="!draggable.disable">DISABLED</span>
<!--optionally select a child element as drag image-->
<div dndDragImageRef>DRAG_IMAGE</div>
<!--a dropzone-->
<!--to allow dropping content that is not [dndDraggable] set dndAllowExternal to true-->
<section dndDropzone
<!--optional placeholder element for dropzone-->
<!--will be removed from DOM on init-->
<div style="border: 1px orangered solid; border-radius: 5px; padding: 15px;"
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DndDropEvent } from 'ngx-drag-drop';
export class AppComponent {
draggable = {
// note that data is handled with JSON.stringify/JSON.parse
// only set simple data or POJO's as methods will be lost
data: "myDragData",
effectAllowed: "all",
disable: false,
handle: false
onDragStart(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("drag started", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDragEnd(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("drag ended", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDraggableCopied(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("draggable copied", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDraggableLinked(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("draggable linked", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDraggableMoved(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("draggable moved", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDragCanceled(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("drag cancelled", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDragover(event:DragEvent) {
console.log("dragover", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
onDrop(event:DndDropEvent) {
console.log("dropped", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DndModule } from 'ngx-drag-drop';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
export type DropEffect = "move" | "copy" | "link" | "none";
export type EffectAllowed = DropEffect | "copyMove" | "copyLink" | "linkMove" | "all";
export type DndDragImageOffsetFunction = ( event:DragEvent, dragImage:Element ) => { x:number, y:number };
@Directive( {
selector: "[dndDraggable]"
} )
export declare class DndDraggableDirective {
// the data attached to the drag
dndDraggable: any;
// the allowed drop effect
dndEffectAllowed: EffectAllowed;
// optionally set the type of dragged data to restrict dropping on compatible dropzones
dndType?: string;
// conditionally disable the draggability
dndDisableIf: boolean;
dndDisableDragIf: boolean;
// set a custom class that is applied while dragging
dndDraggingClass: string = "dndDragging";
// set a custom class that is applied to only the src element while dragging
dndDraggingSourceClass: string = "dndDraggingSource";
// set the class that is applied when draggable is disabled by [dndDisableIf]
dndDraggableDisabledClass = "dndDraggableDisabled";
// enables to set a function for calculating custom dragimage offset
dndDragImageOffsetFunction:DndDragImageOffsetFunction = calculateDragImageOffset;
// emits on drag start
readonly dndStart: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits on drag
readonly dndDrag: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits on drag end
readonly dndEnd: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits when the dragged item has been dropped with effect "move"
readonly dndMoved: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits when the dragged item has been dropped with effect "copy"
readonly dndCopied: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits when the dragged item has been dropped with effect "link"
readonly dndLinked: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits when the drag is canceled
readonly dndCanceled: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
export interface DndDropEvent {
// the original drag event
event: DragEvent;
// the actual drop effect
dropEffect: DropEffect;
// true if the drag did not origin from a [dndDraggable]
// the data set on the [dndDraggable] that started the drag
// for external drags use the event property which contains the original drop event as this will be undefined
data?: any;
// the index where the draggable was dropped in a dropzone
// set only when using a placeholder
index?: number;
// if the dndType input on dndDraggable was set
// it will be transported here
type?: any;
@Directive( {
selector: "[dndDropzone]"
} )
export declare class DndDropzoneDirective {
// optionally restrict the allowed types
dndDropzone?: string[];
// set the allowed drop effect
dndEffectAllowed: EffectAllowed;
// conditionally disable the dropzone
dndDisableIf: boolean;
dndDisableDropIf: boolean;
// if draggables that are not [dndDraggable] are allowed to be dropped
// set to true if dragged text, images or files should be handled
dndAllowExternal: boolean;
// if its a horizontal list this influences how the placeholder position
// is calculated
dndHorizontal: boolean;
// set the class applied to the dropzone
// when a draggable is dragged over it
dndDragoverClass: string = "dndDragover";
// set the class applied to the dropzone
// when the dropzone is disabled by [dndDisableIf]
dndDropzoneDisabledClass = "dndDropzoneDisabled";
// emits when a draggable is dragged over the dropzone
readonly dndDragover: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;
// emits on successful drop
readonly dndDrop: EventEmitter<DndDropEvent>;
Install the mobile-drag-drop
module available on npm.
Add the following lines to your js code
import { polyfill } from 'mobile-drag-drop';
// optional import of scroll behaviour
import { scrollBehaviourDragImageTranslateOverride } from "mobile-drag-drop/scroll-behaviour";
polyfill( {
// use this to make use of the scroll behaviour
dragImageTranslateOverride: scrollBehaviourDragImageTranslateOverride
} );
// workaround to make scroll prevent work in iOS Safari >= 10
try {
window.addEventListener( "touchmove", function() { }, { passive: false } );
For more info on the polyfill check it out on GitHub
- Beware that Firefox does not support dragging on
elements.<button [dndDraggable]>
and<button [dndHandler]>
won't work.- See
HTML Drag-And-Drop API implementations are not behaving the same way across browsers.
The directives contained in this module enable declarative drag and drop that "just works" across browsers in a consistent way.
Credits go to the author and contributors of angular-drag-drop-lists.
This project was generated with Angular CLI.
- run
npm run watch:lib
for hacking on library
- assure correct version is set in
- build library with
npm run build:lib
- publish library with
npm run publish:stable
(usenpm run publish:next
for pre-releases)
- initially and on lib changes run
npm run build:lib
to current version of lib available to the demo - run
npm run start:docs
- build docs site with
npm run build:docs
- commit and push changes in