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An MDX rehype plugin for turning media paths into imports.


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An MDX rehype plugin for turning media paths into imports.

Table of Contents


npm install rehype-mdx-import-media

When should I use this?

You may want to author images in MDX using the markdown format, like so:

![alt](./image.png 'title')

You may use MDX with a bundler such as webpack or Vite. By default bundlers don’t understand how to resolve those images. They only understand how to resolve imports. This plugin solves that problem.

Also you may use MDX to load markdown files. If you reference other media in those markdown files using HTML tags, that media can be resolved by this plugin too.


This plugin takes HTML elements that refer to media content, and turns them into MDX expressions that use imports. This allows bundlers to resolve media you referenced from your code. Note that JSX elements are not HTML elements, so they are not processed. HTML elements can come from:

  • Markdown syntax in MDX files, such as images.
  • HTML in files parsed using the md format when using rehype-raw
  • Custom remark / rehype plugins.

If this plugin finds an attribute to process, it transforms the hast element nodes into an mdxJsxTextElement node. This may prevent other rehype plugins from further processing. To avoid this, put rehype-mdx-import-media after any other rehype plugins



Let’s say we have a file named example.mdx with the following contents:


The following script:

import { compile } from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import rehypeMdxImportMedia from 'rehype-mdx-import-media'
import { read } from 'to-vfile'

const { value } = await compile(await read('example.mdx'), {
  jsx: true,
  rehypePlugins: [rehypeMdxImportMedia]

Roughly yields:

import _rehypeMdxImportMedia0 from './image.png'

export default function MDXContent() {
  return (
      <img alt="" src={_rehypeMdxImportMedia0} />


If you use this with Next.js, you must combine it with next/image.

// next.config.ts
import createMDX from '@next/mdx'

const withMDX = createMDX({
  options: {
    rehypePlugins: [['rehype-mdx-import-media']]

export default withMDX()
// mdx-components.ts
import Image from 'next/image'

const components = {
  img: Image

declare global {
  type MDXProvidedComponents = typeof components

export function useMDXComponents(): MDXProvidedComponents {
  return components


The default export is a rehype plugin.


  • attributes (object): HTML element attributes that should be processed. The key is the HTML element tag name. The value is a list of attribute names to process. The default attributes are:
  • elementAttributeNameCase ('html' | 'react'): The casing to use for attribute names. This should match the elementAttributeNameCase value passed to MDX. (Default: 'react')
  • preserveHash ('both' | 'import' | 'jsx' | 'none'): Where to keep URL hash. (Default: 'import')
    • both: Keep the URL hash on both the import source and the JSX prop.
    • import: Only keep the URL hash on the import source.
    • jsx: Only keep the URL hash on the JSX prop.
    • none: Remove the URL hash.
  • preserveQuery ('both' | 'import' | 'jsx' | 'none'): Where to keep query parameters. (Default: 'import')
    • both: Keep the query parameters on both the import source and the JSX prop.
    • import: Only keep the query parameters on the import source.
    • jsx: Only keep the query parameters on the JSX prop.
    • none: Remove the query parameters.
  • resolve (boolean): By default imports are resolved relative to the markdown file. This matches behaviour of places that render the markdown, such as GitHub. If this is set to false, this behaviour is removed and URLs are no longer processed. This allows to import images from node_modules. If this is disabled, local images can still be imported by prepending the path with ./.. (Default: true).


This project is compatible with MDX 3 and Node.js 18 or greater.


MIT © Remco Haszing