- Dolby & Sony apps and blobs are owned by Dolby™ and Sony™.
- The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for Dolby nor Sony apps and blobs.
- Equalizers sound effect ported from Sony Xperia 10 (I4113) and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk
- Global type sound effect
- Dolby Atmos changes/spoofs ro.product.manufacturer to Sony which may break some system apps and features functionality
- Dolby Atmos conflicted with
[email protected]
- Sound Enhancement doesn't support ACDB Magisk Module because using effect proxy
- https://dumps.tadiphone.dev/dumps/sony/i4113 kirin_dsds-user-10-53.1.A.2.2-053001A00020000200894138764-release-keys
- libhscomp_jni.so & libhscomp.so: https://dumps.tadiphone.dev/dumps/sony/akari akari-user-9-TAMA2-2.0.1-191021-1837-1-dev-keys
- system_dolby: https://dumps.tadiphone.dev/dumps/sony/xq-at51 qssi-user-10-58.0.A.3.31-058000A003003102854466984-release-keys
- system_support: CrDroid ROM Android 13
- libmagiskpolicy.so: Kitsune Mask R6687BB53
- Sound Enhancement:
- armeabi-v7a or arm64-v8a architecture
- 32 bit audio service (this also can be found in 64 bit ROM with 32 bit support, not only 32 bit ROM)
- Android 10 (SDK 29) and up
- Magisk or KernelSU installed
- Dolby Atmos:
- arm64-v8a architecture
- Android 10 (SDK 29) and up
- Magisk or KernelSU installed (Recommended to use Magisk Delta/Kitsune Mask for systemless early init mount manifest.xml if your ROM is Read-Only https://t.me/ryukinotes/49)
- Possibility of bootloop or even softbrick or a service failure on Read-Only ROM with the Dolby Atmos if you don't use Magisk Delta/Kitsune Mask.
Recommended to use Magisk Delta/Kitsune Mask if Dolby Atmos is activated https://t.me/ryukinotes/49
Remove any other else Dolby MAGISK MODULE with different name (no need to remove if it's the same name) if Dolby Atmos is activated
If you have Dolby in-built in your ROM, then you need to activate data.cleanup=1 at the first time install (READ Optionals bellow!)
Install this module https://www.pling.com/p/1531791/ via Magisk app or KernelSU app or Recovery if Magisk installed
Install AML Magisk Module https://t.me/ryukinotes/34 only if using any other else audio mod module
If you are using KernelSU, you need to disable Unmount Modules by Default in KernelSU app settings
Disable the "No active profiles" notification and ignore it it's nothing
If you are using KernelSU, you need to allow superuser list manually all package name listed in package-dolby.txt (and your home launcher app also) (enable show system apps) and reboot afterwards
If you are using SUList, you need to allow list manually your home launcher app (enable show system apps) and reboot afterwards
If you have sensors issue (fingerprint, proximity, gyroscope, etc), then READ Optionals bellow!
If Sound Enhancement effect doesn't work, then type:
at Terminal/Termux app while playing music
- https://t.me/ryukinotes/54
- If you don't do above, issues will be closed immediately
- @HuskyDG
- https://t.me/viperatmos
- https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions
- You can contribute ideas about this Magisk Module here: https://t.me/androidappsportdevelopment