restoranco app on top of petakumpet flavored express
Ensure you have nodejs and mongodb installed
git clone
cd restoranto
npm install # install server side libraries
./node_modules/.bin/bower install # install client side libraries
node scripts/init-db.js # reset & initialize db data
node index.js # start the server
be sure to restart the server (abort and re-run the last command) after code changes or use nodemon like for automated restart
Routing schema is defined like this : /appName/controllerName/actionName
action is managed in controller js file, also the methods, example:
get('/login', function(req, res) { res.render('admin/login'); }); post('/login', function(req, res) { // code.. });
all apps should be registered in "config/routing.json"
rather than prefix based, this one is appName enforced
Convention over magic. However, redirects is supported for convenience
root level redirect
"redirects": { "/": "/frontend", "/all-about-us": "/static/page/about", "/all/about/you": "/static/page/about" },
app level redirect
{ "name": "backend", "redirects": { "/": "/admin/login" }, "errorTemplates": { "404": "error/404" } },
All apps will have it's own web resources folder (web). Root level web resource is provided for shared resources.
root level web resource path is
app level web resource path is
Will have it's own space in "static" app, it's not supported on framework level.
Uses Jade
layout is not enforced, can be multi level, etc. Also with jade you get layout, variables, includes, blocks, ...
"RBAC persisted in db" is not yet supported, however for some cases like dynamic access check later e.g. franchisor can only see its own child franchisee(s), it should be on it's own business logic layer, for now the auth is implemented like in
Uses mongodb as database and mongoose as ODM. Schema located at
like express, jade, etc are managed through npm, example:
npm install --save jade
--save means the package name will automatically be saved in package.json file
like jquery, bootstrap, etc are managed through bower, example:
./node_modules/.bin/bower install --save jquery
--save means the package name will automatically be saved in bower.json file
Generic server side datatable handler for a mongodb model
Create a Schema then populate some data
var WarungSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, owner: String }, { collection: 'warung' })
Put this in the view
table#table-warung.display thead tr th Id th Name th Owner script(type='text/javascript'). $('#table-warung').dataTable({ processing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: './warung-data' });
Import the handler factory, located in
Handle the "./warung-data" ajax path
get('/warung-data', mongooseDatatable.createHandler({ model: 'warung', columns: [ '_id', 'name', 'owner' ], baseQuery: {} }));
That will handle request from datatable (sorting, limit, offset, etc) and returns the appropriate data recognized by datatable. Text search is supported too (given text index is available on the model)
That's all and kiss..