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Script that allows nvim csharp lsp to pull binaries from csproj

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Unity Nvim Support

Script csproj_references_for_wsl_fix.cs simply translates paths references to binaries in .csproj from windows path to wsl/linux path.

Script sln_csproj_generator.cs auto generate .csproj files after scripts compilation.

Script - is a bash script that make Unity to open .cs scripts in my nvim environment - its not ready to go solution for everybody, so use its as reference to write your own


Unity Package com.unity.ide.visualstudio

How to?

Place scripts: sln_csproj_generator.cs and csproj_references_for_wsl_fix.cs in to your project, those are Editor only scripts so its wise to put them under Assets/Editor or you will get errors in runtime.

  • sln_csproj_generator.cs will generate up-to-date .csproj after each script compilation - in detail - every time the domain is reloaded - its bound to [InitializeOnLoad].
  • csproj_references_for_wsl_fix.cs will translate paths in .csproj from window to linux, so the references resolve correctly for nvim lsp - it executes as part of AssetPostprocessor.
  • csproj_references_for_wsl_fix.cs have hardcoded enable bool enable = true;, so be aware of it and apply changes if its required.

Simplified events order: Scripts Compilation -> Domain Reload -> [InitializeOnLoad] -> Assets Import -> Assets Postprocessing.

Future development

  • Wrap this repo in to Unity Package

lsp support for newly created files .cs from nvim/terminal

add line <Compile Include="Assets\**\*.cs" />, in Assembly-CSharp.csproj, ofc in ItemGroup where other files are included image

How To Set Up Roslyn lsp

My setup:

wsl with Unbuntu22.04
NVIM v0.10.2
I use Mason for external tools for lsp, but Roslyn require to be set independently
but works alongside mason

1. Install .NET 9 SDK

Open your terminal and run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common

Then install the .NET 9 SDK:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dotnet/backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-9.0

Verify the installation:

dotnet --list-sdks

Update Your Shell Environment (for zsh)

Add these lines to your ~/.zshrc (or your shell profile) so that dotnet and MSBuild are properly set:

export DOTNET_ROOT=/usr/lib/dotnet
export MSBuildSDKsPath="${DOTNET_ROOT}/sdk/9.0.103/Sdks"

Then reload your shell:

source ~/.zshrc

2. Download and Unpack Roslyn

Download Roslyn for Linux

Download the package from:

Or navigate to:

  • Azure DevOps Artifact Feed:
    Go to and look for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer, then select the Linux-x64 version and click download.

Unzip and Install Roslyn

Run these commands in your terminal (in WSL):

# Create the target directory for Roslyn
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/roslyn
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/roslyn

# Move your downloaded .nupkg to this folder and rename it (adjust <path_of_downloaded .nupkg> accordingly)
mv <path_of_downloaded .nupkg> roslyn.nupkg

# Unzip the .nupkg file into a temporary folder
unzip roslyn.nupkg -d roslyn_extracted

# Move the contents of the Linux-x64 folder to the current directory
mv roslyn_extracted/content/LanguageServer/linux-x64/* .

# Clean up the extracted folder and the original .nupkg file
rm -r roslyn_extracted roslyn.nupkg

Test the installation by running:

dotnet Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.dll --version

You should see a version number printed.

3. Extend File-Watching Limits in Ubuntu

For Unity projects, you may need to increase the number of files the OS can watch. Check your current limits:

cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
ulimit -n

Temporarily increase them:

sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288

To make these changes permanent, add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:

echo "fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p

4. Neovim Plugin Configuration for Roslyn

Place this configuration in your Neovim config (e.g., in your Lua config file):

return {
  autostart = true,
  ft = "cs",
  config = {
    settings = {
      ["csharp|background_analysis"] = {
        background_analysis = {
          dotnet_analyzer_diagnostics_scope = "fullSolution",
          dotnet_compiler_diagnostics_scope = "fullSolution",
  exe = {
    vim.fs.joinpath(vim.fn.stdpath("data"), "roslyn", "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.dll"),
  filewatching = true,
  capabilities = function()
    local capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities()

    capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", capabilities, {
      textDocument = {
        foldingRange = {
          dynamicRegistration = true,
          lineFoldingOnly = true,
        completion = {
          completionItem = {
            snippetSupport = true,
      workspace = {
        didChangeWatchedFiles = {
          dynamicRegistration = true,
    return capabilities
  root_dir = require("lspconfig").util.root_pattern("package.json", "yarn.lock", "tsconfig.json", ".git"),

Add this line somewhere in your nvim config to prevent bloating LspLog.


5. .csproj Workaround for LSP Support

To ensure that your LSP picks up new C# files automatically, add the following to your Assembly-CSharp.csproj:

(This will be add to auto generate in .csproj on compile in future)

# Look for item group that includes Compile elements, then add it here
  <Compile Include="Assets\**\*.cs">


Roslyn should start in 10 sec for unity project, then with this set up it will work for any newly created file via terminal in this project.


Script that allows nvim csharp lsp to pull binaries from csproj






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