Code for the TACL 2024 paper: Staniek et al, "Text-to-OverpassQL: A Natural Language Interface for Complex Geodata Querying of OpenStreetMap"
Live Demo:
The main dataset is found in the following files:
where .nl are the natural language inputs, .query are the Overpass queries and .bbox is used during evaluation for queries that use the {{bbox}} variable/shortcut. This ensures that they are evaluated in an area where the gold query returns results.
The following files are used to determine the difficulty of evaluation instances (Figure 5 in paper):
dataset.{dev,test}.difficulty_{len_nl, len_query, num_results, train_sim_nl train_sim_oqo, xml_components}
where train_sim_oqo is used to determine the 333 hard instances in dataset.{dev,test}.hard.{nl,query}.
Download the exact OpenStreetMap database we used for the evaluation in the paper here [10 parts, total 306 GB]
Unzip the files (381 GB unziped) such that the folder structure is: evaluation/overpass_clone_db/db
Install docker and docker-compose and start the container with the Overpass API.
cd evaluation/docker
docker-compose up
This will start the Overpass API as a docker service and expose it at http://localhost:12346/api
If you see permission or file not found errors for db/osm3s_v0.7.57_areas or db/osm3s_v0.7.57_osm_base be sure to set correct execution permission to those files
You can test the Overpass API with:
curl -g 'http://localhost:12346/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];area[name="London"];out;'
If this returns an appropriate json output, you are set for the evaluation.
cd evaluation
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --ref_file ../dataset/ --model_output_file ../models/outputs/byt5-base_com08/evaluation/preds_dev_beams4_com08_byt5_base.txt
This will take around 5 hours depending on how many query results were cached in previous runs. Be sure to change the default arguments in the evaluation script if you use a different port for the Overpass API.
The evaluation results will be written to results_execution...txt and results_oqs...txt in the same dir as the model_output_file.
Download the model config and weights here and place the files into models/outputs/byt5-base_com08/
Then run the following commands to generate the output queries.
cd evaluation
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --exp_name com08 --model_name byt5-base --data_dir ../dataset --num_beams 4 --splits dev test
To finetune your own model use the script.
cd evaluation
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --exp_name default --data_dir ../dataset --model_name google/byt5-base --gradient_accumulation_steps 4
python --exp_name default --model_name byt5-base --data_dir ../dataset --num_beams 4
Recommended Python version is 3.10 for all scripts.
The demo front-end is a fork of
We thank the community and Martin Raifer
Please cite the following paper:
@article {staniek-2023-overpassnl,
title = "Text-to-OverpassQL: A Natural Language Interface for Complex Geodata Querying of OpenStreetMap",
author = "Michael Staniek and Raphael Schumann and Maike Züfle and Stefan Riezler",
year = "2023",
publisher = "arXiv",
eprint = "2308.16060"