rawhide - (rh) find files using pretty C expressions
Rawhide (rh) lets you search for files on the command line using expressions and user-defined functions in a mini-language inspired by C. It's like find(1), but more fun to use. Search criteria can be very readable and self-explanatory and/or very concise and typeable, and you can create your own lexicon of search terms. The output can include lots of detail, like ls(1).
Rawhide (rh) searches the filesystem, starting at each given path, for files that make the given search criteria expression true. If no search paths are given, the current working directory is searched.
The search criteria expression can come from the command line (with the -e
option), from a file (with the -f
option), or from standard input
(stdin) (with -f-
). If there is no explicit -e
option expression, rh
looks for an implicit expression among any remaining command line arguments.
If no expression is specified, the default search criteria is the expression
, which matches all filesystem entries.
An rh expression is a C-like expression that can call user-defined functions. These expressions can contain all of C's conditional, logical, relational, equality, arithmetic, and bit operators.
Numeric constants can be decimal, octal, or hexadecimal integers. Decimal
constants can have scale units (e.g., 10K
There are built-in symbols that represent each candidate file's inode
metadata. These are the fields in the corresponding stat(2) structure
(e.g., st_mode
, st_uid
, st_size
, st_mtime
, ...). See stat(2) for
details. For convenience, the "st_"
prefix is omitted from the symbol
names (e.g., st_mtime
is used as mtime
Other built-in symbols represent the constants defined by C's
header file. These are useful for interpreting the mode
order to identify file types and permissions. The "S_"
prefix is omitted
from the symbol names (e.g., S_IFMT
is used as IFMT
Other built-in symbols represent various useful values and constants, control flow, more file information, and candidate symlink target inode metadata.
File glob patterns and Perl-compatible regular expressions (regexes) can be used to match files by their name, path, symlink target path, body, file type description, MIME type, access control list, and extended attributes.
Search criteria can also include comparisons with the inode metadata of arbitrary reference files, and the exit success status of arbitrary shell commands.
Functions are a means of referring to an expression by name. They allow complex expressions to be composed of simpler ones. They also allow you to create your own lexicon of search terms for finding files.
There is a default standard library of functions to start with. It provides a high-level interface to the built-in symbols mentioned above, and makes rh easy to use. See rawhide.conf(5) for details.
usage: rh [options] [path...]
-h --help - Show this help message, then exit
-V --version - Show the version message, then exit
-N - Don't read system-wide config (/etc/rawhide.conf)
-n - Don't read user-specific config (~/.rhrc)
-f- - Read functions and/or expression from stdin
-f fname - Read functions and/or expression from a file
[-e] 'expr' - Read functions and/or expression from the cmdline
traversal options:
-r - Only search one level down (same as -m1 -M1)
-m # - Override the default minimum depth (0)
-M # - Override the default maximum depth (system limit)
-D - Depth-first searching (contents before directory)
-1 - Single filesystem (don't cross filesystem boundaries)
-y - Follow symlinks on the cmdline and in reference files
-Y - Follow symlinks encountered while searching as well
alternative action options:
-x 'cmd %s' - Execute a shell command for each match (racy)
-X 'cmd %S' - Like -x but run from each match's directory (safer)
-U -U -U - Unlink matches (but tell me three times), implies -D
output action options:
-l - Output matching entries like ls -l (but unsorted)
-d - Include device column, implies -l
-i - Include inode column, implies -l
-B - Include block size column, implies -l
-s - Include blocks column, implies -l
-S - Include space column, implies -l
-g - Exclude user/owner column, implies -l
-o - Exclude group column, implies -l
-a - Include atime rather than mtime column, implies -l
-u - Same as -a (like ls(1))
-c - Include ctime rather than mtime column, implies -l
-v - Verbose: All columns, implies -ldiBsSac unless -xXU0Lj
-0 - Output null chars instead of newlines (for xargs -0)
-L format - Output matching entries in a user-supplied format
-j - Output matching entries as JSON (same as -L "%j\n")
path format options:
-Q - Enclose paths in double quotes
-E - Output C-style escapes for control characters
-b - Same as -E (like ls(1))
-q - Output ? for control characters (default if tty)
-p - Append / indicator to directories
-t - Append most type indicators (one of / @ = | >)
-F - Append all type indicators (one of * / @ = | >)
* executable
/ directory
@ symlink
= socket
| fifo
> door (Solaris only)
other column format options:
-H or -HH - Output sizes like 1.2K 34M 5.6G etc., implies -l
-I or -II - Like -H but with units of 1000, not 1024, implies -l
-T - Output mtime/atime/ctime in ISO format, implies -l
-# - Output numeric user/group IDs (not names), implies -l
debug option:
-? spec - Output debug messages: spec can include any of:
cmdline, parser, traversal, exec, all, extra
rh (rawhide) finds files using pretty C expressions.
See the rh(1) and rawhide.conf(5) manual entries for more information.
C operators:
?: || && | ^ & == != < > <= >= << >> + - * / % - ~ !
Rawhide tokens:
"pattern" "pattern".modifier "/path".field "cmd".sh {cmd}.sh
123 0777 0xffff 1K 2M 3G 1k 2m 3g $user @group $$ @@
[yyyy/mm/dd] [yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss]
Glob pattern notation:
? * [abc] [!abc] [a-c] [!a-c]
?(a|b|c) *(a|b|c) +(a|b|c) @(a|b|c) !(a|b|c)
Ksh extended glob patterns are available here (see fnmatch(3))
Pattern modifiers:
.i .re .rei
.path .ipath .repath .reipath
.link .ilink .relink .reilink
.body .ibody .rebody .reibody
.what .iwhat .rewhat .reiwhat
.mime .imime .remime .reimime
.acl .iacl .reacl .reiacl
.ea .iea .reea .reiea
Case-insensitive glob matching is available here (i)
Perl-compatible regular expressions are available here (re)
File types and MIME types are available here (what, mime)
Access control lists are available here (acl)
Extended attributes are available here (ea)
Built-in symbols:
dev major minor ino mode
nlink uid gid rdev rmajor
rminor size blksize blocks atime
mtime ctime attr proj gen
nouser nogroup readable writable executable
strlen depth prune trim exit
now today second minute hour
day week month year IFREG
IROTH IWOTH IXOTH texists tdev
tmajor tminor tino tmode tnlink
tuid tgid trdev trmajor trminor
tsize tblksize tblocks tatime tmtime
tctime tstrlen
Reference file fields:
.exists .dev .major .minor .ino
.mode .type .perm .nlink .uid
.gid .rdev .rmajor .rminor .size
.attr .proj .gen .strlen .inode
.nlinks .user .group .sz .accessed
.modified .changed .attribute .project .generation
System-wide and user-specific functions can be defined here:
/etc/rawhide.conf ~/.rhrc
/etc/rawhide.conf.d/* ~/.rhrc.d/*
The following are examples of rh expressions. Where multiple versions are
given, the first one only uses built-in symbols, and the rest usually make
use of the standard library in /etc/rawhide.conf
(or similar) as well. See
rawhide.conf(5) for details.
Find files that are owned by the user drew
, and are writable by other
(uid == $drew) && (mode & 022) # uid and mode are built-in
(uid == $drew) && (gw | ow) # gw and ow are in /etc/rawhide.conf
Find files that are owned by root
, have the setuid bit set, and are
!uid && (mode & ISUID) && (mode & 02) # uid, mode, ISUID: built-in
roots && setuid && other_writable # the rest: /etc/rawhide.conf
roots && setuid && world_writable
roots && suid && ow
roots && suid && ww
Find executable files that are larger than 10KiB, and have not been executed in the last 24 hours:
(mode & 0111) && (size > 10 * 1024) && (atime < now - 24 * hour)
any(0111) && (size > 10 * KiB) && accessed < ago(24 * hours)
anyx && sz > 10K && atime < ago(day)
Find C source files that are smaller than 4KiB, and other files that are smaller than 32KiB:
size < ("*.c" ? 4K : 32K) # size: built-in
size < ("*.c" ? 4 : 32) * KiB # KiB: /etc/rawhide.conf
Find files that are an exact multiple of 1KiB in size:
(size % 1024) == 0
!(sz % 1K)
Find files that were last modified during March, 1982:
mtime >= [1982/3/1] && mtime < [1982/4/1]
modified >= [1982/3/1] && modified < [1982/4/1]
Find files that have been read since they were last written:
atime > mtime
accessed > modified
Find files whose names are between 4 and 10 bytes in length:
strlen >= 4 && strlen <= 10
len >= 4 && len <= 10
Find files that are at a relative depth of 3 or more below the starting search directory:
depth >= 3
This expression finds *.c
files. However, it will not search in any
directories named bin
or tmp
. If these file names are encountered,
the prune
built-in is evaluated, preventing the current path from
matching, and preventing further searching below the current path.
("tmp" || "bin") ? prune : "*.c"
("tmp" || "bin") && prune || "*.c"
Find files that were modified after another file was last modified:
mtime > "/otherfile".mtime
modified > "/otherfile".modified
Find files that are larger than one file and smaller than another file:
size > "/somefile".size && size < "/otherfile".size
sz > "/somefile".sz && sz < "/otherfile".sz
Find files with holes (for filesystems without transparent compression):
(mode & IFMT) == IFREG && size && blocks && (blocks * 512) < size
file && size && blocks && space < size
Find regular files with multiple hard links:
(mode & IFMT) == IFREG && nlink > 1
file && nlinks > 1
f && nlink > 1
Find all hard links to a particular file:
(dev == "/path".dev) && (ino == "/path".ino)
(dev == "/path".dev) && (ino == "".ino) # Implicit 2nd reference
Find devices with the same device driver as /dev/tty
rmajor == "/dev/tty".rmajor
Find symlinks whose target paths are relative:
Find symlinks whose ultimate targets are on a different filesystem:
(mode & IFMT) == IFLNK && texists && tdev != dev
symlink && target_exists && target_dev != dev
l && texists && tdev != dev
texists && tdev != dev
Find symlinks whose ultimate targets don't exist:
(mode & IFMT) == IFLNK && !texists
symlink && !target_exists
link && !texists
l && !texists
Find mountpoints under the current directory:
$ rh -1 'dev != ".".dev'
Find directories with no sub-directories (fast, for most filesystems, but not btrfs):
$ rh 'd && nlink == 2'
The same, but works for btrfs (slow-ish, but demonstrates shell commands):
$ rh 'd && "[ $(rh -red -- %S | wc -l) = 0 ]".sh'
$ rh 'd && "[ -z \"$(rh -red -- %S)\" ]".sh'
$ rh 'd && { [ -z "$(rh -red -- %S)" ] }.sh'
Find empty (readable) directories (fast-ish, and works for btrfs):
$ rh 'd && empty'
Find symlinks whose immediate targets are also symlinks:
$ rh -l 'l && "[ -L \"$(rh -L%%l -- %S)\" ]".sh'
$ rh -l 'l && "[ -L \"$(readlink -- %S)\" ]".sh'
$ rh -l 'l && { [ -L "$(readlink -- %S)" ] }.sh'
Find all hard links to all regular files that have multiple hard links (very slow):
# rh -e 'f && nlink > 1' \
-X 'rh / "(dev == \"%S\".dev) && (ino == \"\".ino)"; echo' \
The same, but for a single filesystem only (shorter, less slow, but still very slow):
# rh -1 -e 'f && nlink > 1' -X 'rh -1 / "ino == \"%S\".ino"; echo' /
Find 32-bit ELF executables:
$ rh 'f && anyx && sz > 10k && "ELF 32-bit*executable*".what'
Find text files with ISO-8859 encoding:
$ rh 'f && "*ISO-8859 text".what'
$ rh 'f && "text/*; charset=iso-8859*".mime'
Find files that contain TODO
$ rh '"*TODO*".body'
$ rh '"TODO".rebody'
Find files using a Perl-compatible regular expression (regex):
$ rh '"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[0-9][0-9][0-9]?\..*[a-cz]$".re'
$ rh '"^\w+\d{2,3}\..*[a-cz]$".re'
See perlre(1), pcre2pattern(3), and pcre2syntax(3) for details.
The same, but with documentation:
$ rh '"
^ # Anchor the match to the start of the base name
\w+ # Starts with at least one word character
\d{2,3} # Followed by two or three digits
\. # Followed by a literal dot
.* # Followed by anything (or nothing)
[ a-c z ] # Ends with a, b, c, or z
$ # Anchor the match to the end of the base name
Case-insensitive search (anything with abc
in the name):
$ rh '"*ABC*".i' # Case-insensitive glob of base name
$ rh '"ABC".rei' # Case-insensitive regex of base name
Find files by their full path starting from the search directory (anything
under an abc
$ rh '"*/abc/*".path' # Glob of full path
$ rh '"/abc/".repath' # Regex of full path
$ rh '"*/ABC/*".ipath' # Case-insensitive glob of full path
$ rh '"/ABC/".reipath' # Case-insensitive regex of full path
Find symlinks by their target path (symlinks to anything under an abc
$ rh -l '"*/abc/*".link' # Glob of symlink target path
$ rh -l '"/abc/".relink' # Regex of symlink target path
$ rh -l '"*/ABC/*".ilink' # Case-insensitive glob of symlink target
$ rh -l '"/ABC/".reilink' # Case-insensitive regex of symlink target
Find files with "POSIX" ACLs (Linux and Cygwin) that grant write
access to the user drew
$ rh '(uid == $drew) ? "*user::?w?*".acl : "*user:drew:?w?*".acl'
$ rh '(uid == $drew) ? "^user::.w.$".reacl : "^user:drew:.w.$".reacl'
Find files with NFSv4 ACLs (FreeBSD and Solaris) that grant write
access to the user drew
$ rh '(uid == $drew)
? "*owner@:?w????????????:???????:allow*".acl
: "*user:drew:?w????????????:???????:allow*".acl
$ rh '(uid == $drew)
? "owner@:.w.{12}:.{7}:allow".reacl
: "user:drew:.w.{12}:.{7}:allow".reacl
$ rh '(uid == $drew)
? "owner@:[^:]+/write_data/[^:]+(:[^:]*)?:allow".reacl
: "user:drew:[^:]+/write_data/[^:]+(:[^:]*)?:allow".reacl
Note that, with NFSv4 ACLs, you can search for ACLs using either the compact form, or the non-compact form. But be warned that the permission names in the non-compact form do not always appear in the same order (at least on Solaris).
Find files on macOS with ACLs that grant write access to the user drew
$ rh '(uid == $drew) ? uw : "user:[^:]+:drew:\d+:allow:write".reacl'
Find files with non-trivial access control lists (ACL):
$ rh '"*mask::*".acl' # "POSIX" ACLs (Linux, Cygwin)
$ rh '"(user|group):".reacl' # NFSv4 ACLs (FreeBSD, Solaris)
$ rh '"?*".acl' # macOS ACLs
Find files with extended attributes (EA):
$ rh '"?*".ea'
$ rh '".".reea'
Find files on Linux by their selinux(8) context (any):
$ rh '"*security.selinux: *_u:*_r:*_t:s[0-3]*".ea'
$ rh '"^security\.selinux:\ .*_u:.*_r:.*_t:s[0-3]".reea'
Find files on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, or macOS, that are immutable or append-only:
$ rh / 'immutable || append'
Find files on Solaris with setuid executable extended attributes (silly):
$ rh / '"*/stat: -rws*".ea'
$ rh / '"/stat:\ -rws".reea'
Rawhide's documentation can be read here:
Rawhide's source distribution can be downloaded from these locations:
- https://raf.org/rawhide/download/rawhide-3.3.tar.gz (or archive.org)
- https://github.com/raforg/rawhide/releases/download/v3.3/rawhide-3.3.tar.gz
This is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later (GPLv3+).
To install rawhide:
tar xzf rawhide-3.3.tar.gz
cd rawhide-3.3
make test # optional (lots of output, or set quiet=1)
sudo make install
This will install (approximately, depending on the operating system):
To uninstall rawhide:
sudo make uninstall
To install/uninstall under /usr
instead of /usr/local
sudo make PREFIX=/usr install
sudo make PREFIX=/usr uninstall
To check out the configure
script which can override paths and features:
./configure --help
To see what other things the Makefile
can do:
make help
To build a package on rpm-based distributions:
rpmbuild -ta rawhide-3.3.tar.gz
Rawhide should compile and work on any recent POSIX system (post-2008) with a C compiler and make. It has been thoroughly tested on Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, macOS, Solaris, and Cygwin.
The configure script only knows about these systems as far as installation locations are concerned, and whether or not manual entries should be gzipped. For other systems, you can accept the defaults, or override them with the configure script's options, or manually adjust the Makefile to suit your needs.
The (non-POSIX) major() and minor() macros are expected to be in
, <sys/sysmacros.h>
, or <sys/mkdev.h>
. If they are
anywhere else, changes will be needed.
While optional, it is very highly recommended that libpcre2-8 be installed. It adds so much more fun. On macOS, libpcre2-8 can be installed via macports or homebrew.
It is recommended that libmagic be installed. It lets search criteria include matching file type descriptions and MIME types. And pkg-config is needed (to find and use it).
On Linux, libacl (for access control lists) and libe2p (for ext2-style file attributes) are also recommended. And pkg-config is needed (to find and use them).
To build and install from the git repository, pod2man (which comes with perl) is needed to produce the manual entries. The source distribution includes the installable manual entries (so pod2man isn't needed to build and install from the distribution).
Rawhide only works completely in locales that use UTF-8. It mostly works in locales that use an ASCII-compatible single-byte character encoding such as ISO-8859-* (except for JSON output). But other multi-byte character encodings are not supported.
URL: https://raf.org/rawhide
GIT: https://github.com/raforg/rawhide
GIT: https://codeberg.org/raforg/rawhide
Date: 20231013
Authors: 1990 Ken Stauffer, 2022-2023 raf <[email protected]>