mved - carefully rename multiple files and directories
mved renames multiple files and directories in a deeply paranoid fashion. At the slightest hint that you are going to destroy your files, it will bail out and tell you why.
mved is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
For more information, read the manual entry in the Documentation section.
mved =.c~ bak/=.c.bak
mv a.c~ bak/a.c.bak
mv b.c~ bak/b.c.bak
mv c.c~ bak/c.c.bak
mved '*.[ch]' save-=.=
mv a.c save-a.c
mv a.h save-a.h
mv b.c save-b.c
mv b.h save-b.h
mved save-=.= =.=
mv save-a.c a.c
mv save-a.o a.o
mv save-b.c b.c
mv save-b.o b.o
mved note= note=.txt
mv note1 note1.txt
mv note2 note2.txt
mv note3 note3.txt
mved '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*' 19=5==6=-=3==4=-=1==2==7=
mv 191299-app.log 1999-12-19-app.log
mv 211299-app.log 1999-12-21-app.log
mv 251299-app.log 1999-12-25-app.log
mv 281299-app.log 1999-12-28-app.log
mved '{abc,def}.*' =-v2.=
mv abc.txt abc-v2.txt
mv def.txt def-v2.txt
mved is written in Perl and should run on any system that has perl(1). There are no dependencies on any non-standard Perl modules.
There is a manual entry:
mved(1) - the mved(1) manpage
Date: 20200625
Author: raf <[email protected]>