premier is an intuitive throttler that supports various backends and throttling algorihms, it can be used in distributed application for throttling web-api and any regular function.
- Distributed throttling via redis or other backend.
- Support asyncio mode
- Support various throttling algorithms
- Designed to be highly customizable and extensible.
- decorate functions to be throttled
import httpx
from premier import limits, throttler, ThrottleAlgo, RedisHandler
@throttler.fixed_window(quota=3, duration=5)
def request(url: str) -> str:
r = httpx.get(url)
return r.text
@throttler.token_bucket(quota=3, duration=5)
async def async_request(client: httpx.AsyncClient, url: str) -> str:
r = await client.get('')
return r.text
- config throttler when app starts
from redis import Redis
from redis.asyncio.client import Redis as AIORedis
REDIS_URL = "redis://@"
redis = Redis.from_url(REDIS_URL)
aredis = AIORedis.from_url(REDIS_URL) # only if you need to throttle async functions
handler = RedisHandler(redis=redis),
aiohandler = AsyncRedisHandler(aredis), # only if you need to throttle async functions
algo=ThrottleAlgo.FIXED_WINDOW, # use fix window as the default throttling algorithm
keyspace="premier", # set premier as the keyspace
pip install premier
by default, premier creates keyspace of this format for throttled functions
name | explain | default |
keyspace | customized string provided by user | "premier" |
module | module name where function is defined in | func.__module__ |
funcname | name of the function | func.__name__ |
algorithm | throttling algorithm of the function | fixed_window |
You might provide your own keymaker to the 'throttler' function like this
from premier import throttler
@throttler.fixed_window(quota=3, duration=5, keymaker=lambda a, b: f"{a}")
def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
res = a + b
return res
backend | sync | async |
redis | supported | supported |
memory | supported | supported |
algorithm | status |
fixed window | supported |
sliding window | supported |
leaky bucket | supported |
token bucket | supported |
- python >= 3.10
- redis >= 5.0.3
- support lowering version python by using type-extensions
- implement timeout feature
- implement retry feature
- implement cache feature
API Design:
type Strategy = ty.Callable[[int], float]
@retry(strategy="expo", max=3, on_exception=(TimeOut, QuotaExceeds))
def add(a:int, b:int):
return a + b