A simple Python3 library for downloading mp4 files from m3u8 files fetched over the internet or from from the local path. Currently supports Unix.
Simply copy the python file in your working directory, then in terminal call.
python3 m3u8_downloader.py -p "https://somedomain.com/somelink/temp.m3u8"
Requires wget
brew install wget --with-libressl
on macOs
sudo apt install wget
on linux
--path -p
Path: The path of the m3u8 file over the internet or the local machine
--output -O
Output directory: The directory where you want to store the file
--filename -n
Filename: The name of the file you want to keep (including the extension)
--base-link -b
Base Link of the domain to fetch the chunks from. Useful in cases where the chunk's url is missing domain inside the m3u8 file.
Pull requests, suggestions and issues are most welcome :)
Please make sure that the m3u8 file you provide has a single resolution format.
If your file contains multiple resolutions, you may want to remove them manually.